Is the current trend in dual chamber?

Recently, many our customers are asking about dual chamber, and I found that more hardware manufacturers are also promoting it. What do you think about this? Share about your experience~

it creates a new and unique issue for oil filling, as both ports must be simultaneously filled. If maybe all the “true factories” could standardize the space between their dual oil injection ports, it would be much appreciated.


1+1ML / 2+2ML

DM me with any questions or inquiries. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You made a very precise point,sir. Have you ever used such dual?

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Since he articulated what he doesn’t like about it I’d say thats a big ol “duh”

This is my new favorite disposable. It’s super cool. Button switches chambers. Both flavors are completely distinct.

I’m looking for a disposable like this.


@floatingdudu check out these ones

Does it have to look like that? @QBD420 is putting out a dual that looked cool


ill reach out… no it dont have to look like this but this works extremely well and way beyond my expectations. its not often im like “wow this is really cool and it works as well and its design”


I got some ikrusher ones that are like that and have been liked by everyone. No need to fill both at the same time


14th round is who makes it and I hear that have a 2.0 version coming out soon


ATG with 2 dispensing heads (each with their own oil reservoir) could do that. wouldn’t fill them simultaneously, but could definitely fill both chambers within the capping window.

You can also do that with a cart farmer 1000 ($800) but what I want is a standard to allow for a simplified solution


our dual tank disposable is ready, and both tanks can work at the same time which brings a totally different high. All those heavy smokers are shocked by its performance

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I had issues with my HTE & Distillate blend burning halfway through on the iKrusher duals, didn’t try with just distillate though

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Ladies and gentlemen. Don’t let this thread distract you from the true brass ring


We gonna need more meth guys

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“Last week, fucked around and hit a triple-bubble.”

~ Ice Cube


I have seen a few at my job. A 6g with a button where you can smoke both simultaneously. There was also another that the mouth piece flips back and forth that looked cool. They are def turning into the new norm though.

“We’re gonna need a bigger pipe”

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