Is it possible to convert hemp/CBD to D9?

As for getting better synthetic sauce
Take either lab blends or steamdistillef hemp terps and radiate them with UV you will be surprised of the change in taste :shushing_face:


Now that sounds interesting too!

Real water clear terpenes from my membrane system

Cleaned up with my special clean up sop to fully remove all color, solvent and cannabinoids


Pretty bad ass.

How much solvent is left in the terps with this process? How do they smell?


In my search for hasj tasting terps I thought
Hasj biomass is sun dried so maybe replicate that a bit


They smell exactly like the biomass they were extracted from, I know alot of terpenes have that fresh cut grass smell

These don’t

0 ppms solvent according to testing (ethanol denatured with heptane is what was used to extract and make these)

I’ve already figured our how to scale this process up too so scaling will never be an issue!

Now to just crispr some canna terp profiles into hemp :upside_down_face::wink::rofl:


That looks amazing and sounds even better.

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Well, what’s the going rate for a kilo of CBD? ~$500? For simplicity sake, assume 100% conversion and ignoring the cost of the other reagents…$500 for a kilo of synthetic d9. Versus how much for a kilo of plant derived d9? Honestly don’t even know what that goes for (~$5k?).

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Liter of raw D9 is $2000-4000 depending. I just personally don’t see the long term satisfaction of converting hemp to D9, quality over quantity is my motto, and to me it doesn’t make sense as someone will eventually catch on that the company/manufacturer is using bottom barrel ingredients to make more bottom barrel product, for cheap, then resold at 10x value. Which will ruin a brand for life compared to someone doing it properly and cleanly. In short, the point of converting CBD → D9 just isn’t viable long term business wise. People would and will catch on and call the manufacturer out for corner cutting, you’d be making more money back off clean long term business then short term corner cutting with hemp. I just don’t understand why people choose the latter.


Nope won t work out that way
People will learn to do it right and the price will crash yust like Cbd sorry


22-26 here in CA depending on quantities

D9 has dropped too

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D9 is getting significantly cheaper.

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That’s because half of it isn’t d9 anymore. Which kinda killed the prices for the stuff that really was because at the end of the day most buyers are just influenced by price and a half price L… questionable or not… will always find a home.

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How long till you think perfect d9 is $1000USD or below? 1 year?

I don’t think it will happen until we experience a period of unregulated growth following nationwide legalization


Well everyone can turn cbd into d9 now…

Wont it be atleast around $1500USD or under and completely saturated within a year?

Not everyone.

Hardly anyone has the skills required to perform this consistently and yield saleable product


What they dont tell you is before this olivetol was used to make d9 liters :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but now olivetol is more expensive than kilos of cbd. Hehe