IS fresh frozen required for Diamonds?

Sorry if this is flagrantly obvious but i couldn’t find a straight forward answer. Is the starting material required to make diamonds and sauce have to be fresh frozen? Can it still be achieved with dry-cured nug run or high-quality trim as the starting material?
Thanks fellas

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Short answer yes dried and cured can make diamonds just fine. Ur sauce will be dark and the older it gets the more thca degrades Into thc . So after its “to old” over a year or more then it can get tricky without tricks. And sometimes it dknt matter what u do its so old all the thca is converted to thc then it will be forever sap


It depends if you want singular faceted diamonds. The more Terps the longer it takes. I’ve had trim fully crash out in a couple of hours at 80 degrees. But it would be a bed of sugary mini diamonds. W 10 percent sauce and 90 percent sugar. If its fresh frozen more likely it will be a high percent of sauce w clean singular diamonds. Taking far longer.

But I feel like the key is a lack of waxes.

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FF isn’t the key to singular diamonds. Its saturation. Since its not FF it’s not gonna have as much Terps therefore not being as mobile

Just leave a lil more solvent. All my singular facet stones was dried and cured. FF has so much moisture sometimes its tricky. It can auto sugar if ur not carefuk


So ur saying more solvent gets you singular diamonds? At what temperature? I’ve only been able to achieve it w really terpy stuff

Can a zeolite bath (3a of 4a) solve the moisture issue for you?

I may be wrong but those beads are meant for gas only.

I use beads everytime just in my recovery

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You can use them in liquid!


Add activated alumina

fresh frozen isn’t required I have made plenty of large faceted diamonds with cured material.


I’ve made diamonds with year old old material. Its depends a lot on how the material was stored.

You can make diamonds with shit extract as long as there’s a decent amount of THCa in the material you extracted it from.

It’s all about the THCa content. You can always separate, dissolve, and recrystalize whatever sugar crystals you’re able to crash from low quality crude to make big diamonds.


I can do w fresh frozen but very few strains I like live anymore my terps so strong

When people do fresh frozen. Can you just put it in a normal freezer at -20c or does it need to be dry ice/liquid nitrogen frozen?

-20 will freeze slower, which causes cells to burst. Which might lead to more undesirable pickup. It can also allow the formation of ice around the trichomes, which makes extraction less efficient.

Dry ice and liqN2 have the advantage of supplying their own water free atmosphere to freeze in…


Any tips to do this with dry ice? for small scale approx 250g of material ? Could I put fresh cut material inside a dry ice insulation box

Put the fresh frozen in a turkey bag in a cooler of dry ice . When you tie the bag shut suck the air out . It should flash freeze in about 15 mins . Make sure your fresh frozen prep time is 30 mins from when you start cutting off the plant to the time it goes in the freezer


Made from trimmys

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