Is a diamond miner worth it?

Hey so I’m new to this one of my friends recommend me and what I’ve seen it all looks legit so with that said I wanted to get a diamond miner but I dont get the jizz of it. Like does it replace the close loop system? Or is it just replace the Mason jar ? Anything will help before I purchase one. Thank you in advance.

It would replace the mason jar. In cases where the honey pot has an outlet, the CLS can be hardpiped into the miner so you don’t have to open pour, like in annoying fire districts like long beach.

This had me laughing lol


the only advantage I see is it has a gauge so you may use that to dial in your diamond making ability. it replaces the jar with a stronger body and a gauge and valve.


How does this work?

I was gonna say have a cls with jacketed splatter platter that’s very low in height like 2" for the base of your cls set up and two shut offs under the column so that you can remove the column… and then keep the platter running with warm water and have the diamonds growing…


Yeah just clamp your top to your shatter platter, and theoretically you have a miner. Also need a PRV, and a way to add pressure inside the chamber


For the one that I’m citing you’d need to do fitting adapters to something like the miner halfway down the page on the link below. You’d vacuum it out and seal it, and attach it to whatever adapter you make. ETS sells a modified, or at least did at one point, honeypot with an outlet. When the solvent is about where you want it to be for diamonds, if that’s how you’re going about making them, you’d call your run and open the inlet to the negative pressure miner and push all the liquid solvent into it. Then you can do whatever you desire, such as heat/cool the jacket or add pressure to the vessel while you crash.

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You could get an end cap and modify it to be a nitrogen push cap and you could attach it to the shut off that would essentially be making it a diamond miner.

You could have a 4 way triclamp t and modify it for nitrogen and have the shutoff above it.


before thc crystal was a thing I made it by accident. I brought it to a pot fest thingy and they thought I had crack or meth. Im like how did a seed turn to meth? Oh yeah did it by leaving a 3x18 tube horizontally mostly full of some unpurged saturated propane iso butane for a few days. when I drained it the tube was crusted in crystals and I scraped them off. No diamond miner or jar tek.

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Holy Shit! Get a miner from @Killa12345. Don’t pay through the nose at ETS



Yes, it replaces your entire closed loop.


your closed loop not mine :joy::joy::joy:


:joy::joy: ya I just got a siiick ass diamond miner. I’m running 100lbs a day easily with that thing.

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