Is 4% cbd biomass worth processing

Make rope.

Ding ding ding!!

Skip the extraction…

ground into flour and mixed with (say) pumpkin ~10:1 would make great dog treats.

same trick with a different filler for other critters.


not good for rope, u need the very tall, absolutely no side branching type of hemp, and grown like bamboo.
Might be good for paper though.
Definitly just fine to mix with lime and make some hempcrete

Love the ideas :heart_eyes:

Where is the biomass located?

Grind it, pill it… Put it in a stew?

With 4% material we would leave on average 1% ish in the biomass with our Hexane process. Doing the math on this I would say it would take on average 58 pounds of biomass to produce 1 kilo of W/D Crude. Taking that into account basic production cost would be considerably higher than the current market rate for Crude oil.
here is a great equation that I put together over the last few years for expected yields from biomass to W/D Crude. 453X(CBD%-1%)/.55X.7X pounds run/1000
usually gets me within a couple kilos of what comes out of the machines.