Irrigation System Help

First time using a Netafim irrigation system. Come from the traditional 215 days of hand water drain to waste. Looking for tips on how many feeds per day, time between feeds, how much each feed, etc. Any other tips are much appreciated and welcomed. Running 80 gavitas
(8 tables, 10 lights each) with 120 plants per table. All licensed

PS. My apologies if I posted in wrong section


Can you send pictures of the 120 plants on a table

We are receiving our first shipment of clones 4/15/2021 so there is technically no plants right now. But that is what the specs will be. Unfortunately we will have to veg then flower in the same room for the first few runs.


What’s the growing media you are using? Coco?

My apologies for leaving that out. 6x6 Rockwool

Nutrient program = HGV salts


room as it stands right now


Beautiful room dude


Thank you sir


Check out aorya

Track how much they consume and feed as needed

Trolmaster aqua-x has a ton of neat gadgets for reading and recording the moisture content of the rockwool itself. Would allow you to have some hard data to work from


Check out @Dukejohnson he seems to be really on top of it all


I’m doing a home grow right now with 6x6 rockwool cubes. It’s my first time using rockwool but not my first time doing a small hydro system. I am by NO means an expert at it.

My small home system looks similar to that irrigation layout, a 1/2" tubing that then connects to the smaller tubing with the irrigation spikes like yours. I only put in one spike per block and I don’t think it’s necessary to do more than that.

Run your pump on a timer and put a few spikes into glass beakers and measure the output in milliters/sec. I have read that rockwool should be delivered precise ‘shots’ of a certain volume per feeding. I don’t really have this dialed in to an expert level, but I’m feeding my medium sized veg plants about 110-150ml/shot and doing this 5 times a day. It’s not the same each time, I give a little extra at night (2hrs before lights out) and a little extra in the morning (2hrs after lights on). It is pretty amazing how quickly a healthy plant with good roots will drink up the water. There’s practically zero runoff.

Again, not an expert at rockwool this is sort of a learning experience for me. Biggest mistake I made was soaking the cubes too much at the start and not letting them dry down enough after transplant. I dunked the cubes in pH’d nutrients, but if i were to do it again I would actually just hand water each cube with about 1.5L of solution instead. They absorb like 2.5L+ if you dunk them too long. You really gotta avoid watering for a few days or even a week after transplant so that the roots are encouraged to grow towards the bottom of the cube. The cubes dry are about 450g and I weighed them on a scale after watering to track the drying down. I noticed that I didn’t want them weighing more than 600-800g during initial rooting. The drier cubes had faster root growth.

Hope that helps! would love to hear other people’s experience with rockwool.


Beautiful, we actually have a aqua-x pro. Thanks a lot man. Any tips of ur own?


Tremendously. Thanks a lot bro and good luck on everything. Stay in contact!

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I’m doing dwc for my spot. I’d read what dukejohnson has to say about how he’s feeding. This comment from him sums up a lot of it.


dont the irrigation companies have pro consultants to help you like gavita does? What strains are you running in there? And do the tables slide to allow access int he middle? I like your spacing of 12 plants per light, very little wasted space or vegging to just chop it all off defoliating. I usually end up overvegging ad cant fit that many.

I’m not sure if they have consultants and if they did I’m not sure if I would trust them like I would in this community. Thanks for compliments!! We’re running Cereal Milk and White Runtz for the first run

And yes the tables slide right and left for row access

If you are licensed scoop Aroya for the consultants, they are amazing, it will take all the guessing out of watering. If your not licensed follow along with my log and you will get the same info and if you have specific questions about a certain spot in flowering shoot me a dm


Big up buddy. Looks great. Very happy for you.

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Seriously. Need to maintain pressure on each zone to achieve exact watering volume for each watering event
Veg 4% of media volume per event Number if events depends on the uptake.
Flower or generative cycle backs the watering events down to 3% or less

With the size investment you have, it would be a good idea to Invest in media monitoring equipment For you moisture levels and EC levels to properly equip you for crop steering.
Reservoir temp 65-68f
I have nutrient sops as well if you need them
80 yourelooking at 8:k per month in electrical alone.