Invite to our Webinar on 10.25 (10 a.m. PST) 'Navigating the Regulatory Maze: Expert Tips for Extraction Compliance'

Hey, ya’ll! :raised_hand:

We’re doing a webinar next week with PRV Engineers and wanted to invite anyone interested in the regulatory and compliance hoops to join us for an online chat. We’ll be live at 10 a.m. PST.

In this webinar, you’ll gain insights into critical safety protocols, permitting challenges, and insights into the ever-evolving regulatory landscape in extraction. We’ll be chatting with Usama Tohid from PRV Engineers.

We will also discuss the application process, permitting/licensing, and safety protocols to consider when setting up your lab.

While this may be old hat for some, maybe someone out there is just jumping in and wants to ask some questions and figure out where to start. If so…bring those questions, comments, etc. If you have questions, you can also leave them here as a comment, and we’ll incorporate them into the discussion.

Register here: Navigating the Regulatory Maze: Expert Tips Extraction Compliance

Hope to see ya’ll there. Pass it on. :leaves: :wind_face:



Here’s a replay if you’re interested?

Webinar Replay
