Technically these are nano gummies since i did break the particle size down with a homogenizer, the taste isnt bad for me and it seems like most people dont mind the taste. If you want to dm me a name and ship to address i can get you some out
Very interested in trying these if you’re still offering samples!
Dm sent
Does homogenizing shorten the onset time?
Yes, breaking the particle size down allows for a quicker onset due to better absorption
Can I sample them?
If this is still a thing, I’m down- my wife and I suffer from chronic pain and take 2-3 doses per day around 10-20mg in the day to around 40mg at night.
Dm me a name and ship to address and I’ll get them out to you.
Everyone from the second round whos requested samples will get there samples shipped Wednesday
We’re in the chats on another thing- but again my wife has a rare autoimmune condition that has a cytokine response of upper limb attacks- brachial neuritis/parsonage turners syndrome (PTS). Specifically palsies of muscle groups controlling the scapula- in her case on L side was a Trapezius palsy, and she had something called a “Triple Tendon Transfer”. Luckily when we relocated home we found a doc at Cleveland Clinic who studied under the guy who developed the procedure, and there’s really only a handful of skilled surgeons that can perform it- her version had 3 bone grafts instead of suture of muscle fibers. Anyway, we’re always trying to find things for the arsenal. Have some nice tapioca D9 ones rn, but take too many cuz small dosage. We never know what things will randomly help since the Gaba meds’ mechanism for treating nerve pain is still not fully understood… bizarro- anyway, in unrelated news, we have found varins to be excellent enough she may even forget to take her Pregabalin- and if you know anyone with nerve pain on that drug- you don’t forget. You should have my address from chat msgs
Myrcene gummies arrived. Excellent taste and texture. The mango covers the myrcene and there are no bitters. They are very palatable.
I didn’t puff this morning to get a baseline and I should take my blood pressure at some point today. We have to use certain flavors to mask fulvic acid gummies. Root beer, cinnamon, chocolate and of course mango are what we reach for. These are so tasty, but you might get the mango burps during the day!
EDIT: I was skeptical about the influence of terps, but the myrcene ones work well for relaxation without intoxication. For the middle of the day, my blood pressure is lower than average.
This seems like a very interesting concept. Could you have them DM me as well?
Very interested in trying if youre still offering!
Just got them today, took one about an hour ago- I have chronic muscle spasms all over the place, but the worst ones are from my BPH and my legs get so hypertrophic it makes me agitated. Going to need more time to evaluate them, but I’m a bit surprised by how potent the effects are. Flavor on point btw- mango def the correct choice