If you’ve been on IG for any amount of time you have seen a cannabis-related account deleted or even experienced it first hand.
I want to share what I have seen that can potentially protect what you have built online.
If you reference or announce any sales or distribution information you may be at risk of having your account deleted. From what I’ve heard on the High Rise podcast, Instagram’s terms and services state you may create content around cannabis for educational and entertainment purposes only.
I have seen a handful of companies create alternative accounts to announce the drops around their market. It has worked well for some because it seems they are careful about the wording and the content they share. On the flip side, it’s very possible to have multiple accounts shut down quickly if you are already on their radar.
Mink Loafs has had two posts removed - one was a story post and the other was a newsfeed post. The story post had the text “getting ready to be grammed out.” The company whose post I was sharing was in their lab and that was part of the process so I did not think anything of it. Either we triggered a keyword removal or we were reported very quickly (within 15 minutes of posting).
The second was a regular newsfeed feature and I do not remember the caption. That post was deleted within 15 minutes as well. These two strikes from Instagram is what prompted us to make the disclaimer to avoid misunderstanding with our intentions. It is not uncommon for an account to be deactivated after having multiple posts removed.
I have received a small amount of grief over the disclaimer but nothing notable. I noticed the company @Labs_of_Dabstract on Instagram always used a pretty standard industry warning on their posts so we decided to implement something similar.
I am not 100% certain that the disclaimer will keep us safe but I’m hoping it helps haha. I would also be careful about certain keywords, I don’t have a list but you get the gist.
I have seen a few other companies adapt their form of a disclaimer to protect themselves and make clear on what they are doing (educational content).
I hope you took something away from reading this. I hate seeing accounts being shut down after all the hard work that goes into building them.
What have your experiences been like on Instagram? Have you had your account deleted or reinstated?