Instagram advertising?

I have seen quite a few larger companies (THC and CBD) advertisements on my feed lately as I’m sure most of you have as well.

Looking to heavily advertise my hemp business within a 10 mile radius of my retail location I am opening targeting specific demographics.

From what I understood previously you were not able to mention CBD in the ad or landing page, but I see many companies doing that and getting through just fine. Is it ingestible products they don’t like? Or even topicals?

Here’s what I’ve got. We make no health claims, unsure why they don’t want my money

If anyone could help me work around this, or know of a good advertising business in So Cal let me know, would be greatly appreciated!

Much love everybody happy weekend :call_me_hand:


If you want a DIY consult. I’ll give you details on the latest social media hackery…


Honestly, it’s nearly impossible to digitally market CBD and THC products. Everything is pay to play now and they will not let you pay if you deal with drugs. That being said, I would stick to more traditional forms of advertising for your business.

It’s very difficult to have hyper localized targeting doing any form of digital marketing. Hashtags are for subjects and are not places. So you could have a following of 1,000,000 but if you do not have the distribution network. You can’t serve those people and make money off your investment.

I would stick to posters and flyers and sponsoring local events and concerts that people 21 and over attend in your area. Use a penetration strategy and undercut your competition to gain market share.
Or mail out coupons for your products so everyone who lives in a 10 mile radius.

The company that I work for is multinational and we have an Instagram and LinkedIn. But thats only because not everyone can purchase 10K syringes from us. So we target all the dispensaries and businesses in North America. Plus we can easily mail them because they are exempt from the PACT act.

But with a target market of everyone 21 and over living in a 10 mile radius. I would not recommend heavily investing in digital marketing.


If you have $ and want a specific amount of fans or followers. I’ll test your budget…

You’re better off buying accounts with target niche #hashtag fans

$300 and under for 50k+ follower accounts with real followers. Tons of scammers but, you’ll find legitimate deals if you look hard enough.

4/$100 sponsored posts from sourwavez lol


Set up a Google My Business account. Try a Geo fencing campaign. Create an IG account and website landing page with no mention of CBD anywhere, to use to advertise only.


What’s sourwaves?

Already have boots on the ground 5 days a week putting the word out there, which is going great. Can always be better though.

This is the type of stuff I’m seeing even from non CBD companies. Heavy on the health claims

And there are big names like CBDMD that I see ads for every day now on IG.


I see mad ads on IG, of cbd, d8, you name it and it’s active advertising

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Will give that a go thank you! Thinking it would be possible to mention hemp but not CBD? A store address? Seems like we will have to get creative with this to keep the ads up.

Going back in time to a previous life, when people would post OMMP/215 stuff on Craigslist, (not that I would know anything about that) the move was to put up an ad with an absurd title (free unicorns, etc) to get a bunch of clicks before changing the title to OMMP or 215, to throw off the flag to click threshold and keep it up for weeks/months. Same game different cards.

If you don’t know about or it’s social media solutions. You’re probably on the fucked end of the market.

Just got this one too :man_facepalming:

I guess I am! If SEO is the way to go and I’ll be spending thousands on it I would like to deal with someone I can meet with face to face with unfortunately, and do my best to avoid the green tax.

SEO is on the list, if I could get localized Instagram ads it would be a complete game changer though

I’d be happy to provide in person or online consultations about a very large issue customer base.

Please feel free to assist me expanding your dreams and my own.

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We stopped doing all SEO, and our online sales did not go down. We have had better success with GMB.

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Seo is for robots. That’s why.

Good on those to recognize the very real change in the game. It isn’t going positively :heart::wink:

I feel like you might want to steer clear of health claims. I wouldn’t want to tell you do so something and get in trouble down the road. Marketing cannabis is really complicated because its 21+ and federally illegal and its only legal in certain states. Marketing cannabis hardware is nearly impossible. So I can’t even imagine CBD.

I see so many people send me messages about buying CBD or looking for Cannabis friendly models. But they’re always deleted in a week.

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Were actually ramping up SEO. It seems to be helping us. What kind of SEO stuff did you do?

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Alright… Well Cannabiz is heavily toked upon. What can we donation / expand our work together.

Do you have a portfolio of your previous work and list of previous customers I can look at?

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