Infrared Cannabinoid Testers

Anybody have experience with infrared cannabinoid testing kits?

I see lightwavescience has a “cannalyzer 420” kit that advertises “Repeatability between systems is less than +/- 0.50 readout” and “Accuracy is better than +/- 1.2%”.

Without the sample prep and solvents required vs a liquid chromatography tester like the Orange Photonics LightLab seems ideal, but it seems like I’m missing something.

Depends what you throw at it I would imagine.

Might work reasonably well on flowers. Probably barfs on post extraction material or anything else it hasn’t been explicitly trained on.

If all you’re doing is looking at stuff it’s seen before, it might be for you. It almost certainly won’t help you figure out if you’ve made Δ8

They have a rental program, which may help you decide if it’s for you.

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