Industrial Hemp THC LIMIT (thc vs thca vs thc+thca)

“This definition of “acceptable hemp THC level” affects neither the statutory definition of hemp, 7 U.S.C. 1639o(1), in the 2018 Farm Bill nor the definition of “marihuana,” 21 U.S.C. 802(16), in the CSA.”

Whatever you just posted does not override the farm bill, right or wrong whatever people are claiming from it.

Until the Farm Bill, which granted this authority, is amended there will remain confusion or loopholes.

that’s literally the law that the farm bill put into place - note the “authority” section at the top here

That is the USDA regs. Individual states do not follow this, some do, some don’t. Until the Farm Bill is updated you will have those states selling THCa hemp and everyone else buying it as customers (can’t grow in their state but can buy and possess legally as hemp under farm bill.) If you follow the logic.

To be cleared up farm bill needs amending.

Hope they clarify THCA is federally legal tbh

LOL fraud no illegal to grow in CO. Yes legal to possess if below 0.3

Idk why everyone is hating. This is 215 for the entire country. Everyone standing together in a grey area saying this is what we want and fuck you we are doing it regardless of your opinion. You can’t prosecute every smoke shop in the country just like you couldn’t prosecute every medical grower in California. Its civil disobedience. If you are too much of a pussy thats your problem this forum and industry wouldn’t exist without ppl willing to take similar risks.


only if the people actually understand what’s going on, otherwise it’s just blind muling and using unsuspecting customers/retailers as cannon fodder


Nope. Doesn’t change the definition.

Defines how the thc level on which that definition is based is to be determined.

Total THC. Total THC is the value determined after the process of decarboxylation, or the application of a conversion factor if the testing methodology does not include decarboxylation, that expresses the potential total delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol content derived from the sum of the THC and THCA content and reported on a dry weight basis. This post-decarboxylation value of THC can be calculated by using a chromatograph technique using heat, such as gas chromatography, through which THCA is converted from its acid form to its neutral form, THC. Thus, this test calculates the total potential THC in a given sample. The total THC can also be calculated by using a liquid chromatograph technique, which keeps the THCA intact. This technique requires the use of the following conversion: [Total THC = (0.877 x THCA) + THC] which calculates the potential total THC in a given sample.

No hate. Just want everyone to understand what the rules actually say. Because in the hands of the end user, thca flower is not hemp in the eyes of the law…claiming it is when it is not puts innocents/ignorants at risk.


Big box stores are carrying THCa flower now. The same brand that received a letter from the FDA a month ago, complaining of edibles and pet treats.

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Well thats on each individual operator. I’d say 90% of the retailers I’ve spoken too are well aware of the current situation and have retained legal in case they run into issues. Local jurisdictions attitude twords cannabis is also important to consider.

End users are just happy they don’t have to buy off the streets. In the vast majority of jurisdictions getting caught with an 8th or half zip is a ticket. Most consumers understand they still need to hide their weed.

Are there bad actors out there yes of course. Are there ignorant consumers and retailers yes of course.

Unless @TheFeds get involved I dont see any of this coming to an end any time soon.

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I don’t know about you, but I don’t assume my end users are morons. They are educated and care about these laws and cannabinoids in my area.

It sets forth the definition of the USDA process for growing. This has nothing to do with commerce or the farm bill.

At the least it’s a gray area, and the most THCA is legal to introduce into intrastate commerce. Growing is regulated differently and it depends on the state.

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It blows my mind how many people are trying to clarify what the government meant when it passed a poorly worded bill when they locked up us, our family, and friends.

And that’s assuming that the government didn’t intentionally make the farm bill/THCA a soft legalization. Part of me has to wonder how they were so stupid or if it’s exactly what they wanted to happen.

Just wait until the current farm bill expires in August, because they can’t agree on a new one, and we revert back to the previous bill, per the statutory mandate of the original 1930s farm bill. Then everyone in the hemp industry suddenly becomes a narcotics trafficker overnight. You think it’s chaos now…


Agreed. Which they also won’t be able to be enforce.

Someone opened Pandora’s box on purpose.

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y’all are just selling weed, this is the real workaround:


I am not selling anything. Also it’s crazy you would advocate that versus organic flower. What has this community become LOL


PDX is obviously joking, nobody seriously recommends WKU SOPs. He said to add blue food coloring to make blue THCa diamonds.

My opinion is that THCa flower is just well preserved or early harvested weed. Working in the hemp industry for the past few years I know that Hemp is calculated by total THC, and to pretend that the government didn’t specifically state that it’s more than just D9 is blatantly lying. The government won’t ignore the fact that THCa becomes illegal with even the slightest amount of heat, and until THC becomes legal then THCa is just a precursor.

At the end of the day, some people or companies are willing to take a little more risk than others. If you can fly under the radar go right ahead, I guess it’s similar in “badness scale” to tax evasion?


A post was merged into an existing topic: Lawson’s creek cart spam

A post was merged into an existing topic: Lawson’s creek cart spam

I love growing CBG, without having to ever worry about THC compliance. The only problem is pollen contamination here, which I would never grow any seeds I find.

Ahh, the Reddit child vendors. I remember those guys. They sell stuff that doesn’t pertain to any COA or production batch number.

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