Increasing Output

Hey guys I’m currently running 4 8x36in tubes a day. Between cleaning, prep work, and running it takes all day. We have an iced tech chiller being used for recovery, a 50l water heater on 2 jacketed 12x36 reactors and a master vapor pump that has yet to be put to use still running passive with half in lines, dry ice on the recovery tank to keep things running smoothly. We are able to get anywhere from 25 to 40lbs of material ran in a day but to keep up with contracts in a timely manner we need to be able to run at least twice that. I’m thinking about getting two 12x48in material tubes and a larger reactor.

What I want to know is if anyone on here is using material tubes this size and if so do you have any recommendations? Do you notice a decrease in yields upping the tube size so much. I feel like my yields went down when I switched from 4in to 8in but there’s is so many variables and not enough consistencies in the strains we run to know that forsure even with logging material weights and returns it’s a hard guess on our part. So Ide like to know if anyone on here has any experience with tubes this size or if there is another route I should go. Any help is appreciate, would right more but driving strapped for time and have to hit the road.

You might try upping that recovery line substantially. It’s not going to get you anywhere near 2x but it’s pretty cheap to hard pipe it, at least relative to more cooling.

The general consensus is that yes, increasing column diameter does seem to decrease yields slightly. Channeling seems to be the primary cause of that decrease so do all the things you would to address that.

Also, have you analyzed how much actual time you have the equipment running in a day? The for sure cheapest/best way to increase throughput is to manage your on time. In a machine shop we call it “keeping the blue lights on”. You might find a little scheduling of movements will open up another run or two per day


Maybe the “tape a vibrator to it” trick could fix that, should help fight channeling.


12 x 48 seems… Potentially dangerously large, or extremely expensive? Sounds like this may not be in a regulated situation based on your willingness to modify the system, so why not just add a series of additional smaller columns on a rack?


Multiple material columns
2 collection vessels
1 massive recovery system


Larger collection and more columns hard piped together.