Hello again to all the wonderful people on 4200:
This is my second time around posting regarding this issue. I am the owner of a fully incorporated Japanese CBD company, CBD Nihon, Inc. ( 株式会社CBD日本 ). We have an original heath shot product, Elevate, already on sale in US, and ready to be made here in Japan. However, we need a manufacturer to supply THC free CBD to Japan, and be able to confirm that you follow the guidelines set by the Japanese health ministry
We at 株式会社CBD日本 know exactly what the health ministry needs for approval. And we are looking to collaborate with a foreign CBD manufacture that is willing to take the time and energy to follow the Japanese health ministry guidelines.
I apologize for being so verbose, but I have learned that EVERYONE is ready to send CBD to me in Japan. But everyone, It’s not that simple. If you are looking for quick money, please do not contact me. If you are long term oriented, savvy, and a high technology cbd manufacturer, I would like to talk to you. Specifically, these are the basic needs I have to continue a conversation:
- Your company processes from industrial hemp biomass all the way to end pure products such as distillate isolate.
- We have no interest in any pre-made products what so ever.
- We are only interested THC-free distillate, isolate, and ideally CBD Nano made from isolate. Again, nothing that is been made into a product.
- Again, You are directly connected to the factory (preferably owner) and have full access to it. No brokers!
- You are willing to talk by email at first, and video conferencing after that.
- You are long term oriented. Please do not message me with “how much weight you need?” 株式会社CBD日本 is working to become a nationally recognized brand as Japan continues to learn about CBD. This offer is for those who are interested in a long term relationship.
- I’m sorry I’ve repeated myself often. Maybe you can imagine how many people message me with just ridiculousness after my first post.
- To those of you who I did have a chance to talk with, but we could not move forward, I thank you all for your time. You know who you are
Peace and Respect.
That’s it. I can’t thank all the legit members of 4200 enough. I am excited to talk to some of you. Please know this is a very real opportunity. Serious inquiries can email me directly ben@cbdnihon.com