In need of flow wrapping capable co-packer


-Anywhere in or between San Diego and LA.

-Co-packing company with automated or semi-automated flow wrapper for cellophane choclate wrappers

-White label manufacturer making CBD chocolates has client needing 1000s of bars flow wrapped to save attemtpting the impossible of manually wrapping 1000s of bars

The chocolate manufacturer can rent time with the flow wrapper or pay copacking fee by unit. Purchasing an auto wrapper is not in the budget until massive volume justifies the expense


Here are some pics of the flow wrapper the manufacturer already has.

If anyone knows a reliable technician or can personally remotely consult us on adjusting this unit to accurately identify the registration marks on the wrapping, we would be very eager to speak with you!


Have you called the mfg in New Richmond yet?

Yeah they keep sending out a tech that is worthless and charges $1000 to say it wont work… well first he said it would, then he said it wouldn’t.