So I have been doing some intensive studies of late. So many neat compounds.
I desperately need valium at this point in my life sadly(I’m not sourcing, I know I need a stupid script =/ ), but getting it re-prescribed is impossible I’ve found. Especially on medicaid. Yes I have tried everything, all over the board alts already under the sun, at all different points in my life, 3 times over. Valium is the only substance aside from cannabis and microdosing that really gives me relief. And relief without like, a grocery list of negative side effects.
Especially when my pain(very injured) and chronic insomnia(not the, oh gee I’m not sleeping to good or I wake up a alot kine, thee, holy shit shadow people I’m prob gonna need another hospital visit were they drug me to knock me out just to keep my brain alive and prevent me from slipping into full blown psychosis then death of the upteenth kine) act up bad for months on end.
I have PTSD, ADD, sezuires(treated with cannabis),anxietyx100000, and the kine to. But medicaid doc say fk off an die.Oh no, meditate and ibuprofen it away. Or swallow seriquil trazadone and a bunch of other really nasty dirty chemicals that make me feel more mentally ill then I am.
I smoke alot, honestly it’s almost annoying. I wish edibles worked on me, but I’m the lucky few where my body just doesn’t process them. Can take almost any oral dose of edible and feel nothing, or next to nothing. I do notice around 2-3k mgs I do sometimes maybe feel something? But it’s probably just psychosomatic… Or I get annoyed I’m not feeling anything and smoke well I’m waiting for effect. lol.
RCs have been catching my eye of late, even tho despite my best efforts, sourcing them from anywhere but overpriced cayman chem seems to be a no go(all scammers or overpriced or both)
For RCS, :
[Pyrazolam] being my top 3 choices/potentials for RC/valium subs. Even tho I’d obviously never take these and only use them for research. All Theoretical, baby.
Anyone have any experience or got a forum they wanna invite me to or something on these topics?
I’ve also been looking at amanita masc aria extract gummies(the muscimol ibotenic acid, muscarine gummies. Tho they seem like most delta variant gummies that are available at the local shops 'round here, probably scams.) the 5000mg 500mg a piece ones by Stoned, to be specific.
As far as alt cannabanoids go,
AM-087 seemed very interesting- as it is advertised as being about 100x the strength of THC. (Little less aggressive then another option I was looking at, [HU-308], which is 5000x strength, allegedly, which is just to much if true. lol Don’t wanna trip nuts, just get strong relief, hypothetically)
Sadly, when I went to do research on those cannabanoids, there is almost nothing on them, especially as far as experience reports. Figured why not probe around here?
All 'cause docs won’t give me medication I need, 'cause fk the gov and the war on “drugs”.
This is all just wishful thinking anyway, since the avenues to even get these things have seemed to dry up a long time ago from my days of feverous research and looking. ;( Fun designer/exploratory chemistry is dead in the USA.
This is more just out of curiosity and this is the only forum I really mess with anymore.