I'm bored, let's talk about the Taboo - NPS / RCs / ALT Cannabanoids

So I have been doing some intensive studies of late. So many neat compounds.
I desperately need valium at this point in my life sadly(I’m not sourcing, I know I need a stupid script =/ ), but getting it re-prescribed is impossible I’ve found. Especially on medicaid. Yes I have tried everything, all over the board alts already under the sun, at all different points in my life, 3 times over. Valium is the only substance aside from cannabis and microdosing that really gives me relief. And relief without like, a grocery list of negative side effects.
Especially when my pain(very injured) and chronic insomnia(not the, oh gee I’m not sleeping to good or I wake up a alot kine, thee, holy shit shadow people I’m prob gonna need another hospital visit were they drug me to knock me out just to keep my brain alive and prevent me from slipping into full blown psychosis then death of the upteenth kine) act up bad for months on end.
I have PTSD, ADD, sezuires(treated with cannabis),anxietyx100000, and the kine to. But medicaid doc say fk off an die.Oh no, meditate and ibuprofen it away. Or swallow seriquil trazadone and a bunch of other really nasty dirty chemicals that make me feel more mentally ill then I am.

I smoke alot, honestly it’s almost annoying. I wish edibles worked on me, but I’m the lucky few where my body just doesn’t process them. Can take almost any oral dose of edible and feel nothing, or next to nothing. I do notice around 2-3k mgs I do sometimes maybe feel something? But it’s probably just psychosomatic… Or I get annoyed I’m not feeling anything and smoke well I’m waiting for effect. lol.

RCs have been catching my eye of late, even tho despite my best efforts, sourcing them from anywhere but overpriced cayman chem seems to be a no go(all scammers or overpriced or both)
For RCS, :
[Pyrazolam] being my top 3 choices/potentials for RC/valium subs. Even tho I’d obviously never take these and only use them for research. All Theoretical, baby.

Anyone have any experience or got a forum they wanna invite me to or something on these topics?

I’ve also been looking at amanita masc aria extract gummies(the muscimol ibotenic acid, muscarine gummies. Tho they seem like most delta variant gummies that are available at the local shops 'round here, probably scams.) the 5000mg 500mg a piece ones by Stoned, to be specific.

As far as alt cannabanoids go,
AM-087 seemed very interesting- as it is advertised as being about 100x the strength of THC. (Little less aggressive then another option I was looking at, [HU-308], which is 5000x strength, allegedly, which is just to much if true. lol Don’t wanna trip nuts, just get strong relief, hypothetically)
Sadly, when I went to do research on those cannabanoids, there is almost nothing on them, especially as far as experience reports. Figured why not probe around here?
All 'cause docs won’t give me medication I need, 'cause fk the gov and the war on “drugs”.
This is all just wishful thinking anyway, since the avenues to even get these things have seemed to dry up a long time ago from my days of feverous research and looking. ;( Fun designer/exploratory chemistry is dead in the USA.
This is more just out of curiosity and this is the only forum I really mess with anymore.

Hahaha whoa, I remember bromazolam. The person who sold it to me only ever got it in liquid form. Very, very potent benzo. If you have a seizure disorder I highly suggest not taking anything that affects your GABA receptors, if you ever withdraw, I’m sure you know what’ll happen.

I also wouldn’t trust any of those cannabinoid RCs. Nothing but bad news with those. I’m sure you can pull up plenty of anecdotal reports from Erowid or something.


Bromazolam is still around, etizolam/clonazolam and a bunch of others were added to schedule 1 recently, which pretty much makes all benzos schedule 1 analogs now


Ah yeah, I remember etizolam as well, was also in liquid form, bought it from the same guy. Can’t remember much from the experience; I’m sure I blacked out every time I used it lol

This had to be around 2011 maybe a few years later, as they were still just research chemicals.

Edit: After looking into bromazolam, it looks like it was available recreationally in 2016 at the earliest, so I think I’m just remembering etizolam and conflating the two.

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Hey, as long as the source is good, I’m just getting them for research, so… There is that. Broma and pyra seem readily available for good prices still.(tho all the sites offering are scam sites…so that’s speculative. lol)
I have seen diclaz listed still, but it’s usually far more expensive and not listed on as many of the scam sites I’ve come across claiming to offer these compounds.
Have I mentioned how much I hate the war on “drugs”? I always quote the drugs ,'cause we all know that’s not really what it’s about.
Do you have any experiences? I seem to only be able to find a handful on reddit that all seem pretty sus. Like vendors trying to advertise or something.

Hmm. Yeah I have heard terrible things about RC cannabanoids… But they can’t ALL be bad… right? XP
And thank you for your concern my friend. I do also worry, but I am blessed with not having a addict mind, and usually only use these for a few weeks, month max, to reset my sleep schedule and help bring my anxiety and pain down and stuff well I’m doing it. Then I stop. Usually cannabis helps offset and keep the seizures away during any tampering period I am coming off them. I’m actually pretty lucky there to as I’ve had 100% success treating my seizures with cannabis. Tho I do have to smoke every 8hrs at least to keep them away… Better then having them, that’s for damn sure. lol. REALLY wish I could do edibles… >.< if I tried to smoke a G of distillate at once, I would be zuited to high heaven. But I could swallow 10G of distillate and be like… shit. I just wasted 10gs of disto. ;p human bodies are weird, and so are humans.

I’m just telling you from experience. I was PRESCRIBED clonazepam for panic attacks and anxiety for years, and when my psychiatrist retired, I couldn’t find a new one, so I didn’t get a script and after a month, I developed a seizure disorder that snowballed to a more severe degree. The doctors told me that drinking would lower my threshold and cause more to occur. So, I stopped drinking and never took a benzo again (I had already withdrew and the damage was done, taking them again would theoretically ruin me).

I smoke everyday as well. Funny how that is, I’m glad it works for you too. I actually just ran out of my homegrown, and I don’t think I’m gonna buy from the hemp place in TN, don’t really wanna spend money. I’m just smoking on some leftover hash/kief I had sitting in a jar for years. Gonna have to figure out what to do! :joy:

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Dang man I’m really sorry that happened to you. That would suck to re-trigger my seizures. Kinda screwed if I do and if I don’t at this point tho =./
Sorry to you live in TN, laws have no caught up there at all yet.
Get some cheap isolate and do some conversions! Help tie ya over until more plants come in?
Do you live close to any rec dispos around TN? Not sure what’s available out there. I’d offer to send it, but knowing my luck it’d get searched. Even tho my buddy did that full time for years an they never searched once. I sent CBD tinct to CT once, for a friends dog with cancer, and it got stopped and searched. lol

Well, I’m actually in GA right on the border of TN and NC. A few months ago I had bought an ounce of “THCa hemp” from a place down the highway in TN. It was great stuff, literally just weed, wasn’t sprayed with anything and they didn’t sell D8 or any crazy stuff so I was actually impressed. They also had a massage parlor and a coffee bar with CBD coffee lol. It was honestly a nice experience, better than any dispensary I’ve been to in terms of comfort, but the selection of bud left much to be desired.

It’s alright though I appreciate the thought. I can get by on my own whether I buy it or grow it. I just have to decide if I’m going to quit smoking or not hahahaha, employers in this area aren’t too friendly on cannabis use and I need a job!

Edit: Definitely getting custied at the hemp dispo though, the prices are pretty high and I think TN had just raised taxes on THCa hemp as well, it was over 15%.

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Took one when a family member passed away. Worked scarily well.

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Yeah, benzos are great for that. Can’t say I don’t like 'em. I have found that a good 1:1 bowl of THC and CBD gives me a similar feeling, like my muscles feeling like jello? The anxiolytic effects of clonazepam are difficult for me to explain, but that’s basically what it would feel like. Or that was the most notable effect, at least.

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SO lucky =O Almost any calculable amount of CBD will totally cancel any high I have currently. =( Not to say I don’t think it’s beneficial and it deff helps with my inflammation and stuff. =)
I’ve been prescribed every benzo under the sun too. Valium being by far the best. Xanax is not bad either, but just… Valium is king for me.

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Yeah, I’m pretty sure the nurses administered diazepam IV to me whenever I was hospitalized for a seizure. I believe it’s the better choice of the three in terms of anticonvulsant properties and withdrawal. Diazepam IV is definitely more euphoric and feel-good than sublingual/oral kloni.

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Oh yeah. Diazepam class ftw. Klonis were terrible for me =/

If your in the US all you need is a short trip across the mexican border. No prescription needed. The farmacies are everywhere in most towns especially border towns and popular tourist spots


Id stay far away from bromazolam. What I’ve read about it and what I’ve witnessed in its users is that it doesn’t always immediately have a strong effect right away, so you take more for a couple days and then suddenly your blackout for like multiple days… accompanied by lose of memory, motor skills, ability to reason/function, strange changes in breathing and blood pressure etc. I saw someone blackout/ruin their life attempting just a trial run of bromazolam.


Compulsive redosing and delusions of sobriety are certainly interesting side effects


Absolutely stay away from Flubromazolam. Life-threatening issues at as little as 3mg and amnesia starting at only 0.5mg, plus a 106-hour elimination half-life.


ya not so dissimilar with bromazolam. birds of a damn feather.


I love all the -am drugs too much to even risk it

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