how are you currently achieving this?!?
Build!! (mostly assemble).
If you source locally you’ll probably need some sanitary welding done. the dairy/beer guys understand “sanitary” the still makers seem to think liquor solves the problem (based on the welds I’ve seen). deciding between local fabrication and import of the bits you can’t purchase locally is probably about the skill-set of your sanitary welder, and how hard you think customs is looking at individual packages of incoming stainless.
indeed…and there are some very specific brewing accessories that OP might should source that way. just not a CLS in a kit.
godzone has brew stores…but more importantly, they also have more diary cows than they have humans (8 vs 5million).
we borrowed tri-clamp from the dairy industry I believe…so many of the required parts might already be out in the milk shed…or at least close by
edit: is ethanol extraction any more legal than butane? “legal” AND safer are the usual buttons I try pushing to get folks from open blasting at home to using ethanol. In your case I’m gonna try a different approach. you can actually extract in a CLS with an array of different solvents. pretty sure precision came out with their X10 after I told Nick this trick.