I want to make a terpene free decarbed diamond cart

You’re welcome!

A spoon could be used too, no need for a refill dart. Heat the material, a small measuring spoon, and the vape cartridge. The material will pour into the cartridge if everything is warm, perhaps ~ 150°F. You could refill directly from the mason jar by heating it up in a low temperature water bath, something like 160°F.

The material can also be mixed with high terpene extract, terps, centrifuged rosin, etc.


Yeah the converted CBT had a weird chemical taste to it. I may have encountered the same CBT you did. We tested some samples of the converted CBT going around 2-3 years ago and it had a significant amount of solvent left in it. It may have been ethyl acetate but for some reason I remember it being something less commonly used like butyl acetate or n-butyl alcohol. I recall it being something that’s used more commonly as a flavor additive than it is used as a solvent, so the chemical taste of it wasn’t tough to figure out.

Having handled what is probably the highest purity batch of natural Cannabicitran that has ever existed, I can say that pure CBT has no discernible taste whatsoever.

It’s worth noting that this batch was above normal standard for purity. Most batches of the natural CBT are realistically upper 80’s low 90’s but the other 5-10% is just a variety of minor cannabinoids so theres no reason to try and get it to 98-99%. Usually the remainder will be like 3% CBC, little bit of CBD/CBG, etc. Maybe 0.1% D9, if that. Color and consistency of maple syrup basically. It’s expensive (for a cannabinoid) but hands down the best tool for the job.

I am always interested in buying it (as well as selling it) so if anyone develops a pure, flavorless, converted CBT or CBC, then I’d love to talk and run some samples through the GC. I spoke to one member from here recently (I don’t know if he wants people to know yet) that sounds like he’s gotten his SOP dialed in for the CBG conversion.

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Welcome to the future @lolwut! If stealth is the goal, you could skip all the cart process altogether if you get ahold of some pure thca diamonds and a yocan.


Damn you’re still talking about dude? Y’all should just fuck already.

Why do you sound so retarded?

Extract with BHO. Strain turps from Diamonds. Put diamonds into jar and decarb until liquid. Add back some of the filtered turps from before. You can’t put melted THCa into a cart because it will rock back to crystal. Has to be decarbed to prevent crystals.

Care to elaborate?

This is not practical. You can put melted THCa into a cart without it recrystallizing if you do a partial decarb.


that’s the route I ended up going. Now I can medicate at my desk

I meant extract with whatever cold gas. BHO, PHO, mixture of both or Co2. Just that it takes roughly 1.5 weeks (minus weekends) to produce good 90s distillate. If you just decarb/ melt diamonds you can make a great product and add back your own terps per batch. I just feel that distillate jumped ahead of the pack 10 years ago because it’s great for carts. But, we know so much more now. Distillate is great for turning otherwise dumpster trash into 90s. And it’s great for edibles. But, as a maker of disty I still love making it.

Neither “BHO” nor “PHO” are “gasses”, those are the extracts

one does not extract with “Butane nor Propane honey/hash oil”

OP wants “zero terps” for stealth, so suggesting they add the “turps” back also qualifies as missing the point.

I get you were trying to help.

So am I.

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