I want my equipment.

I’m over being ghosted and I want my shit back, so I’m putting my former employer on blast. He stole over $100,000 worth of equipment from me, has also gotten investment money from 3rd parties and never used the money for it’s intended purpose, stole most of the profits while things were running, He has threatened my family, mother and stepfather, he has threatened me as well. He likes to tell people he is going to call someone to come “handle” anyone who tries to get in the way of his business. He’s and alcoholic, a Coke head, and punk bitch.
Anyways my equipment, I believe is in storage in Eugene, or. The company was Railroad remedies, I’m not sure if it is still called that.
He also owns a printing business in Riverside, CA. I’m half tempted to post his name and address. My life has been in shambles for the past 6-7 months because of this fucking loser, and I’ve had enough.
I moved away from my home town to socal with my equipment to work for him with promises of promotions and bonuses I never received.
Any help from the future fam in Oregon would be greatly appreciated, one love.


A really fucked up situation. I think something like this deserves to put his name out there on blast. What sort of assistance are you looking for?


Any knowledge on whereabouts in Eugene. If anyone has seen the equipment or knows the guy. Anyone in or around Eugene DM me and I will give you his name and a description, and also send pictures of the equipment.

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If this is in the legit industry can law enforcement play a role?

Punk ass bitches never want the cops to show up…especially if they are coked out alchoholics


Sorry to hear :frowning:

Seems like extraction always ends up in shambles. I’d rather work for myself than for some d bag businessman.

Would be sweet if Eric Andre would jump out of your avatar and do some crazy prank on that dude


If you ever need help with someone’s knee caps, I got your back! :slight_smile:

Always looking to expel pent up rage. Haha


How far do you want to go. I have an entire combat team at my disposal. :woman_shrugging:


There s always two sides to a story
But you sound convincing
If a legal shop like Nboler or beaker and wrench can be called out
Then why not a thief if you have nothing to hide call HIM out


It’s is an uncertified custom closed loop extractor, custom chiller build specific for the system, 2 mvps, 1cmep6000. The system includes 3 big vessels.
Material vessel
evaporation vessel
recovery vessel.
Holds150# of biomass, recovery holds 900#


I remember you showing us this monster during show and tell.


The one you posted awhile ago, the giant system?


Put up a Craigslist add for a few pieces so tou know its yours and whola they just tell you where there at


:joy: bro

That’s perfect if you are serious


Shortly after show and tell, all this shit went down. I was even down to go to Oregon but then got ghosted and dropped on my ass with no job


Yeah dude put the guy on blast. This is unacceptable. I know of a guy in Eugene area who’s notorious for screwing people like this. Not sure if we’re talking about the same person.

Give us a name, man. We’re all incredibly resourceful


I’m not hiding anything, I’m sick of sitting back and doing nothing about it, also don’t think the equipment is even being used, I’m pretty sure it’s in storage. Also have pent up holiday rage and this guy’s needs the karma


It wouldn’t be wise to dox him publically on the open threads, would most likely end with a flag. However, Im sure DM is private enough to share that kind of info. Not in Oregon myself, good luck bud that’s wicked shitty.


I’m pretty certain with just the sale of the crude oil, he made upwards of $900,000 in the year I worked for him. But,
Not all of it went to crude sales though. He also ran distillate and sold liters, and had us making fake carts cut with mct including name brands kingpen, brass knuckles, and Mario Cart.
So with that projection, he has made well over a million dollars profit because of MY crude production capacity.


Dude, that being the case, I’d put his picture online for us all. This is my fear as an extract artist. Going to work for a business and not getting proper credit for the intellectual property you spent years gathering.

Sorry your dealing with this brother man. Once someone steals from me, all honor in doing things the right way is gone.