I Tried Hot Condenser w/ WFE

For shits and giggles I tried @anon42519203 hot condenser style tek on 5 liters of ethanol crude last night with my yhchem wifey.


  • jacket 169C
  • condenser 150C
  • cold trap 1 -30C
  • cold trap 2 -72C
  • vacuum 30-50 micron

Single pass, no terp strip. Extremely stable.

I’m no expert but I think the visual results are great. Still have to test it. Yield was great . Gonna run my tails and see how they come out.


Test it, I bet the potency is lower on that batch because you didnt seperate the heads out with the terp strip

Also test your discharge/ terpenes to see how much cannabinoids is left in there

Your condenser temp is almost set to the boiling point of thc at the vacuum you’re running

Thc boils at 155 at 50 microns


@Kingofthekush420 what does it boil off at 20microns ?

Not sure the nomagraph wont go that low xD


What’s the lowest it goes?

50 is the lowest it goes atleast on the sigma calculator


@BG305 nvm I got it to 10 microns

My phone must be messing with the sigma website


That’s cool. Getting a clean and high yielding fraction without going above 150°C would be fantastic


So just to be clear if I can get it down around the 15 micron range I should start to see the juice around 140*c.

In an spd you’ll have codistillation so you’ll start pulling thc a little before that

If I was at 20 microns is go to 130 heat temp to clear out the heads then bump up to 145 to 150 for mains

This is vapor temp btw not mantle temp


Ok, that sounds good my bro. So if you were running second pass how would that change the dynamics?BTW I really appreciate you my bro. :100: Did you break the 72l record?

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Yessir. Gonna definitely test. Will post up some results. We should setup a head to head test … I’ll run them and have them both tested.

What u think?


@densone sorry about the rabbit hole. I can run it with king on DM.

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Second pass should allow deeper vacuum and better seperation since theres less stuff in there

This will result in lower temps and no codistillation if ran correctly

If your vacuum is at 30 1st pass it should be like 20 on second

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Up to 4 buckets and I’ve only been running 7 hours

Shes running faster then before I turned her up a lil bit


Get it my bro :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3: Break the hundo :100:

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What’s the mass balance between your residue/distillate from that 5L? Feed rate?


Can you possibly post some photos of the rejected material from the hot condenser? What did you “hot condense” out?


Yes you should revisit some of beakers sublimator stuff. I think he talked about hitting incredibly low temps.


It was 60% disty / 40% residue. I made a bunch of feed and speed changes to suit what I was doing. Assuming I can get closer to 70/30. I Got 70/30 the other night with some slightly different parameters.

I’m going to run the residue and see what I missed.