I need some CBG distillate and isolate

I am in need of as much CBG distillate and isolate I can get. Please list your contact information, prices, MOQs and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Just got some CBG Isolate from @CannaChemistry

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We are an extractor in Chattanooga, TN. Have 10-12 kgs of CBG distillate that we will be finishing up but our partner has a significant amount of CBG biomass that we could process more quickly into distillate. How much are you looking to pay per KG and what potency requirements if any?

Ryan 423-645-4650 Feel free to call me.

Have tons of isolate available

How much per kg of cbg?

Just posted our CBG distillate and isolate for sale. We have plenty available. Please DM if interested

@sterlinghemp has CBG distillate and isolate. They have some good products coming out of the northeast

I’ve got it for $6500 for singles.

Your name and bio suggests you’re in the business of converting cannabinoids, are you looking for material to convert into other cannabinoids?

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