I love China for

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Mei Fun
Vape gear
Most consumer goods


Despite the strict gun control, mainlanders are undaunted!

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Ya. Doubt that is anywhere close to the norm

:laughing:best china mfg story ive heard! sorry ya lost a facility over it, yall married now or something?
:thinking: 5yrs ago, i had a crush on Alice at Toption, but didnt think it was worth pursuing!

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Some of the women are sexy as hell, very compact you can pick em up like a bowling ball! Out here in Waikiki there’s tons of them on da beach everyday, not much fat on those girls.


I love China for spicy food

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I love China for offering me an opportunity to bring to market an iPhone vaporizer before the company who was actually bringing it to market in the USA was able to do so. Simply because they had not figured out safely how to make it not be a risk to blow up in someone’s face. China didn’t care and was down to manufacture it after asking me many times if I knew of any designs I’d be interested in having them make. $1500 deposit to make a proto and own the “yeah rights” to the design. I nearly dove in to do it. But after another 6 months or so the original company brought it to market and flopped I believe.


Thank you.

They will all try. They have a concept for Westerners and Western Men. They have in their minds that we have not progressed and are very dumb so if you sweet talk to the man he will buy from you. Not stereotyping, I’ve seen it I’ve dealt with it and I have a contempt for it.

Their whole nation feels like it was born out of a 1950’s cold war paranoia film.



Casual misspellings… my favorite “refriferation”

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I love China And Japan for their Pull saws rather than U.S. styled Push saws. And of course like Automation guy… Chinese food.


I like cheap Chinese tri clamp parts, hoses and valves lol

Couldn’t afford to build a cls without them…


Pull saws for sure. My dad got one when they first started showing up in home dumpster. Been using em ever since.

Push style saws feel like something a caveman uses now.

Edit: stupid auto correct.


I feel you 100%. I had my kid using one to cut off dowel overhang from a project we did together, she loved it. Hopefully the memory sticks like it did for you!


I was maybe a little older haha, me and my dad worked together framing and remodeling for a few years.

But, that’s awesome you got the little one helping with projects!


my kid has a love hate relationship with working for me. He loves the pay which is probably double what he can make at the local supermarket at age 15. But boy does he hate the work. All i have him do is tape boxes of powders. Literally open them up. Fill with bubble wrap. Completely tape the whole box to prevent punctures.

Getting my kid to work more than 5 hours a week is like pulling teeth… Really sucks when you kid has saved every penny from relatives since the day he was born…Has a bank acct that would make some people sick…and just says…no dad…i dont wanna work…i got plenty of cash. maybe next week… :man_facepalming:


Seems like a potential business opportunity to me…