I do not have any reps or people doing consulting for me

I can add it back if you’d like but I think this is something you would want word for word in your own words.


Hit the tool icon.

Select “make wiki”. Presumably that sets a flag that means all may edit (ie makes it a wiki).

Just guessing. Never pushed that button. Nor read the fine manual on the subject :shushing_face:

Wiki wtf

I did NOT hit the make wiki button. Any of our lv4 should be able to. Then y’all can edit away…


Ya i know, was just funny for a minute there


Damn! @anon42519203 was one edit away from being my father & owing back child support :rofl:


Wow, what a clean mind you have.


Everyone is a thief or stole something to get where they are in this industry.

Ask any one of these “big” companies to show there history. Loool

You are still a legend BD!

If i stole anything from anyone in this industry it was small and i didnt notice… i dont have remorse for stuff like that… i prefer to just make my own waves and give credit where its due


I came from the music industry… theres nothing to steal there and i was poor before so im grateful for everything ive been able to achieve here.

Also *their :wink:


I like turtles


Btw I am breaking dabs manager. If anyone wants a signing event or meet the guy I require payment up front in my account in india.


Hahaha ya… totally


Lvl 3s can edit wiki posts. Sickkkk

Sorry for the drama man. You don’t deserve it.

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You literally stole the ENTIRE set up you started with from Kelly and then ghosted her. I witnessed the entire thing. You stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from coach and then blew him off as well. You fucking stole from me while I was trying to move the fuck away from you and you stole weird fucked up things like photos my friends took of me, my old baby book and kindergarten pictures, you are a fucking sicko Slobbs. The weirdest part was that instead of putting it all in a dumpster that you had at the house, you kept things you thought I would come back for. @PanchoVilla420 knew I wasn’t coming back the last time I left because I told him.
I always wondered how you always had all this drama in the industry and I honestly thought it was the industry but clearly its your lack of integrity and outright deceitful character that is the cause of all your woes.

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@PanchoVilla420 hey, I wanted to let you know that through publicly available information I found that his sister is not in the FBI, she works for companies that contract for the FBI and do things like background checks. She is 100% NOT issued a badge or a firearm, its more like a clipboard and a piss cup. She pushes pencils with the college degree her parents paid for that BD is so pissed about.

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