Hydroxy Hexahydrocannabinol - Kilos Available

Definitely keeping en eye our out on this one for sure

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We are happy to announce that Labstat in Knoxville, KY has updated analytical methods available for the quantification of 8(S)-hydroxy-9(S)-Hexahydrocannabinol and 8(R)-hydroxy-9(R)-Hexahydrocannabinol (or 8 alpha and 8 beta OH-HHC, respectively). Attached below is a COA 96.4% combined 8-OH-HHCs.

Labstat_COA_watermarked_secured_v2.pdf (2.4 MB)

Many thanks and compliments to the Labstat staff whose rapid turnaround on updating and validating their methods to include these standards made this possible. At this time, they are the only lab performing quantification of these compounds.


Congrats bro.


Thanks dude, its been a long road.

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Isnt it a little odd seeing the d9thcva there ? Really happy for your team.

Its most definitely not a carboxylic acid in there. The currently suspicion is that it’s a trace amount of a 10-OH-HHC isomer that’s mimicking THCVA by retention time.



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Can only vouch for them!

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Good looks, glad you’re enjoying the product.


In the case of 10-OH-HHC, will there be trace amounts of THC or HHC? In countries where THC and HHC are regulated, it is important to know if these are non-detectable. I’d like to see an objective third-party report on this as well.

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In general, it would be naïve for me to claim that a distilled cannabinoid product will be 100% one way or another. That is to say, batch to batch variation makes it difficult to ensure no THC remains although its certainly within the realm of possibility.

I can however guarantee that in the case of 10-OH-HHC isolate that it will always be ND all other cannabinoids - which is the benefit of crystallization, its very selective in a way distillation never could be. That is to say, we can confidently assure customers of the purity of the crystalline form of 10-OH-HHC. As requested, there is a COA from Trichoma Analytical confirming this for you below.

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Thanks for the details. This form of isolation is great. Is there a COA like 8-OH-HHC coming soon that lists the potency of 10-OH-HHC compared to the CRM? Once this is in place, it will be a kilo-by-kilo business.

We worked with an analytical reference standard manufacturer to get them some amount of material for use as a reference standard - those came available last month. Right now we are in the process of working with our testing lab to get 10-OH-HHC standards into their method. If the turnaround is anything like last time, we should be able to quantify within the next two weeks.

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I assume that 8-OH-HHC and 10-OH-HHC are less potent per mg than traditional HHC?

I haven’t read many reviews on either cannabinoid.

In the form of isolates, Im wondering how much concentration can be used when diluted into CBC or CRD. e.g., CBN was limited to about 45% on the edge of not crystallizing. If 10-OH-HHC crystallizes easily, I can only use it a little.

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Its something for your formulation team to consider, that’s certainly true. Other cannabinoids and diluents (terpenes) will inhibit crystallization just like any other crystalline cannabinoid.

Buuump. Price drop also:

$4,000/kg 8-OH-HHC Distillate
$4,500/kg 10-OH-HHC Distillate
10-OH-HHC Isolate pricing depends on order size ($7-10/g)



Whats the potancy difference from the distillate to the isolate? Does the distillate crash out like cbd/cbn?

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