Hydrocarbon Extraction has a Vague Blanket Patent

Just throwing it out there that the type of infringement the manufacturers of the patented equipment committed (direct infringement) is categorically different from the type of infringement committed by the customers who bought and operate the equipment (induced infringement).

The company commiting direct infringement is liable REGARDLESS of if they were aware of the patent. The customer commiting induced infringement is not necessary liable for the period of time when they weren’t aware of the patent. This means, the customers cannot be forced to pay damages for the period of infringement which occured before they were aware of the patent…meaning they can pretty much continue to play dumb all the way up to when they get served.


Agreed. However, client info from a manufacturer is a probably where the trail to being served starts. That, or open advertisement on social media.

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Glad I don’t sell equipment but if I did, I wouldn’t hand over any client records. Also I’ll bet dollars to pesos that China gives zero fucks about this patent.


If you want to win a lawsuit, you usually have to give up the information that the sitting judge sees as relevant to the case. What would your argument be if your records were subpoenaed?

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house fire, I guess it doesn’t really matter because I would refuse to cooperate


Yeah I mean…everyone who’s been buying stainless off the shelf has been getting taken for a ride by these CLS manufacturers. The labs who built their own systems piecewise and got engineers to stamp the designs … Those guys are gonna remain under the radar. My last lab in Oregon basically built their own CLS and satisfied the fire marshall, so they’re simply not on a client list and the equipment they’re operating is trade secret. The patentee will literally never have the means of becoming aware of them. This is maybe more common in larger industries that have teams of engineers and PEs on staff.

Fwiw, I don’t necessarily think the patent holds up when you consider how much prior art their is and it’s lack of novelty. One standard/legal precedent for something being direct infringement is that the infringement has to be pretty much spot on to the claims made in the patent…so even small deviations from the patent would make a device novel enough to not be infringement. My joke is - just throw a clock on it and suddenly it’s novel.


:thinking: clock you say?

Pretty sure ours has a clock on it…


It sure does have a clock.

Does that classify it as a ticking time bomb?


What’s thiiiiiiis



That patent reads like a middle schooler wrote it in a hurry before recess was over. Put that shit on the fridge next to the macaroni art.


7 posts were split to a new topic: Xd lawsuit offtopic

Thank you @pdxcanna :heart:

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That patent is most obscure! Masterful obfuscation, but not.

LOL…it says water, water, and more water.


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Is it hard to be so delusional? Try speaking to a friend or some family about seeking some help, if they arnt around or not willing you should reach out to your local human resources office and see if they can help, god speed brother :pray:

Were you not paying attention to the previous commentary throughout?

Or did that just zoom past you.

It’s not delusional to call you out. You did it to yourself. Then admitted you weren’t on it for the love of the plant or industry and feather you “tied” your up to fatter cats for future boofing schemes.

You literally told people on here you have licensed bogus processes that aren’t validated licensable up to begin with. You just conned people onto thinking that and paying you. When you figure out your con, you’ll probably be sued for the funds you scammed them out of and they don’t need to pay you.

You also lied about your blue diamonds to everyone.

You are the delusional one. Or just in denial.

Cultural appropriation is a protected right up here, but impersonating a Canadian is a felony, Connor. Tread lightly.



:roll_eyes: you can just read my last post, there isn’t anything else to say, Hope you find the help you need to deal with your issues man :pray:

First of all captain jack, I fully live in Vancouver. And please present laws that somehow create a criminal act with the suggestion you made. On Sundays I wear a dress to bingo, am I doing anything illegal impersonating a beautiful girl?