No hate here, but do you work for them?
Prerolls tend to suck and are usually made from floor sweepings. There have been some good caviar dog walkers locally, but I would rather roll my own.
No affiliation whatsoever,im just looking for a way to make nice prerolls,and i have a centrifuge so i was wondering if anyone tried them before so i can buy the inserts they sell
They didn’t answer in their website or instagram
I use whole flower for my prerolls and hand filled atm
Its a tedious job but they are very good and made in small batches so they dont dry out
And if you buy the whole setup with centrifuge from them its 15 k lol
Im just looking for a cheap and efficient way to make nice prerolls
There’s plenty of used Futurola knock boxes that are the industry standard.
They are like 5k im not trying to spend that much if i can make it work for less
I will 3d print something similar and try for myself
I will post results here
That’s an awesome solution. I love the innovation on this site.
Haven’t used that brand, but I have a KingKone that’s been working really well so far. Pretty cheap considering the pricing of the Futurola, and works just as great for diamond infused prerolls.
I think I paid a bit over $1300 through their Amazon store.
Did u 3d printed the cone fittings? That looks nice I would try that for sure if u can give me some info on that fitting
Thank you!
Never mind i just saw the second link
Thank you!!
I saw them at a convention. There is no draw on their joints. Way to many g’s on the pack.
Pretty easy to turn those down…at least till you get back around 1.
I just finished the 3d prototype
Tried for 1 min at 1000 rpm cones look perfect first try
Still got to do the smoke test and try different strains
Still got to figure out a way how to fill right amount of bud in each cone,probably something like the futurola where u remove the tray and bud falls down in each cone
I had to fill with a funnel after measuring each g but still way faster than filling by hand and they look perfect
Those turned out nice! With the knock box, we always overfill them so there is a “guaranteed analysis” of 1 gram per doob just to save time.
That’s pretty cool I like the 3d print seemed to work pretty solid for you. Good job
I second this. Saw them in Detroit and the joints were packed way too tight. Super cool concept but not great execution. Would have liked to smoke one of the joints though to be definitive.
Anyway i could get the file off ya?