@htking custom short path distillation kit and 5L 10L 20L big head

Most people don’t know he Hasn’t ran short path in years it’s probably been since the legacy head .

That’s absolutely not true.

Yeah but getting all butthurt into snitching is a bitch move. I don’t care what the circumstances are, stay in your lane, mind your own business.

Anything else is bitch mode.

Edit: Besides, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. You should feel good that you’re the one being imitated. If their products are genuinely shit, then when the customer wants the real deal they’ll come to you.


I never said that one bit.

But to agree with your comment. People should stay in thier Lane and mind thier own business. But when my business ends up on thier shelves. It become my business.

It’s not about imitation theories. Its about right and wrong. This whole shit isn’t right at all. Stop defending people who do horrible things. As they say. Evil protect evil. At any cost.

For one…i dont carry glass nor any counterfeit summit gear or anyone elses gear. 2. My business is registered. I have an EIN and a State sales tax license an registed as a sole proprietor

The only glass i plan to carry is cheap boiling flasks and receiving flasks which im not copying any patents o.

Try and report me…see where it gets you. Obviously carbon chemisty and across international have my business information otherwise i wouldnt be a distributor for both companies…

Your a funny guy @spdking…If you werent doing illegimate shit…the authorities would have no need to raid your house…And im doing stupid shit…LOL Bro you think your the baddest man to walk the planet…Why do feel the need to think you know me!

Here is a copy of my non registered sales tax payment from 6 days ago you fucking baboon!

Keep trying to make me
Illegitimate but your making yourself look dumb!


Glass with a few modifications is different from your patent, your price is too high. Distillation of this product for many years, you are only reference modification. It’s not an invention, it’s just a modification to get a better result.


I’m not defending anything. I’m trying to help you stop beating your head against a wall.

There’s gotta be a perspective that will give you the insight into understanding your efforts are futile in this wonderous capitalist society we have.


yes, kill12345 tell me dont copy your products, just design for himself.

i sell spd head for myself only, We take responsibility for it and nothing to do with anyone else.

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I know more than I’ll admit.

My shit get raided becusee I have customers who get in trouble and somehow over time the authorities realise I’m not in bed with them… Think twice.

I do know you more than you think. And I’ve never said I’m the baddest person on the planet. But you might be when you buy and sell China glass that risks implosions and injuring people like it has in the past and currently in this industry. Youll be one bad ass MFer when that cheap glass lands you in legal trouble.

I have business insurance for that my bro. I went to grad school. I know how to run a real business!

Your a funny guy. One day you will learn im a bit more than some burn out posting on a forum. LOL

if you know more than you"ll admit then you will know how big this is and how i can afford to do it right!

Pretty simple for a single person running a business!


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When you stand in my shoes, and clan my kitchen, you have the right to share perspectives. Same reason why I don’t tell anyone around me how to live thier lives. We all stand on different shoes and either understand or lack the understanding others require to engage in those conversations sometimes.

You are a fucking liar, crook, con artist, moron, bullshitter and clearly you don’t even know you are talking to the person who both invented these works and pens the legal patent on it!!!

This is hilarious! I dont know how your sooo mad making millions! This is like the most retarded shit ever. If most of the people here stood in your shoes they probably would be grateful.


If you can afford to do it right why don’t you go through legitimate and respectable channels. Just saying you don’t see me doing business with people other than highly trusted legitimate individuals. No offense to you or your personality. I wasn’t trying to offend you. I just hold myself liable for my safety and the safety of my clients. I don’t do business with two bit hacks

I will take responsibility, please don’t blame others


Now you know why I gave summit away a couple months ago and stepped away and let someone else run it. I’m not happy doing what I do. When your hobby and love becomes a job and you wear 50 hats it doesn’t bring someone that happiness you’d assume. I’m happier not running summit and giving it away.

You don’t take responsibility for your actions. It’s clear. You cent even say something like that without a smile on your face …

we do

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i enjoy the business me and @htking have done. Ive spent at least 30K usd with her for one single part! 1 single sku. She has been one of the kindest vendors ever.

I can go to legimate vendors and i do. I dont sell glass and thats your think with her. NOT MINE! we do a different business together!

I dont know your situation with her but mine is great!

and thats great you gave away summit. Im a lifer in this business. Always have been always will be. My parents were in this business just like me.

I wear every hat in my business as im the only emplyee. im every position in my company! I wear every hat something it sounds like you havent done in some time! With sales, and logistics, and purchasing…customer service. I do it all include shipping all order like i shipped 1.2 tons of adsorbents on friday MYSELF …plus customer service…closing sales. etc. I know what its like to wear every hat and i enjoy it!