HTE vs Native Terpens Pens?

High terpene extract. Aka sauce. Like when you make diamonds, the non diamond part, though winterized preferrably



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Oh you guys are talking about terp sauce yeah I get it
So what we run into with that is that some of that is the best smelling best tasting ever but a lot of it’s really dark so it darkens the distal it so much and cartridges that I hesitate to use it


Not anymore, once everyone gets on the CRC train anyway.


What’s CRC mean ?

Color Remediation Cartridge.


So you’re saying you’re going to color remediate terp sauce,

I heard you could bleach it

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sounds like science fiction :joy::sweat_smile:

I’ve seen a lot of HTE pens, none of which have been clear.

They won’t genuinely be “clear” but, they’ll look like distillate.

I’ll have a line of it out in Michigan, probably early next year.


Crc cold hydrocarbon extract only(no disty!) , decarb at 250 for several hrs! Taste wonderful stays light till the end w good carts

Did I mention I think they are better than disty carts and obtain w machine fraction of the cost


What carts will you be filling with? Have you tried iKrusher’s stuff?

I work for the company, if you’re interested in getting some samples I can hook you up

I thought this was the hte vs steam terps showdown. There is nothing special about botanical terps. They are baseline.

On to hte vs distilled hte/steam terps:

Hte is expensive and has to be blended in at higher ratios to match the same flavor intensity of pure steam terps. There is less volitiles in hte, its science.

Hte will have really good sweet flavors but unless you got a planetary centrifuge and a big boy syringe pump, you will have to utilize heat


By planetary centrifuge do you mean dual asymmetric? That’s what I’ll be using.


I don’t know what carts they use specifically, that’s on the packaging department to deal with.

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I understand that you can color immediate distal it but I’m trying to understand how you’re saying you’re going to color remediate HTE without destroying the Terpenes ?
How is the guys some kind of a beginner I have a lot of experience at my level but there’s a ton I don’t know


We aren’t CRCing distalitez (yet) this is just plain full spectrum oil (crc +closed loop Extractor). Where the terps come from. Crc not gonna destroy ur terps…just polish the color up or grab it all.

I suppose if one didn’t wanna decarb you could crash the CRC oil into terps and diamonds then keep the terps(hte) and use just hte in carts

I found a long time ago live resin and hte(unless added to disty) are over rated for carts


Objective the post was to have a discussion between what one supplier expressed was equal in quality of HTE vs Native Terp single-sourced blended with distilliate.

There also wasn’t any other posts that explicitly described HTE Pens and Native Terps, unless it was synthesizing them and I wanted to know what the different tasting profiles were.

the conversation is evolving far beyond my expectations.


My bad


There’s no bad or good, there’s just what is. The only bad posts are the one not asked as this not just for me. There are many people on this post and it’s quite informational

I just got off the phone with one of my partners and his HTE card recipe right now the offer is 2% of the company for him to show them how he’s doing It.
He has the best carts of all of my connects by far. And he’s tought me everything 5hat I know about cartridges