Has anyone used one of these? Seems like they would cut down on operational costs by quite a bit and pay for themselves very quickly.
If you aren’t using a solvent gradient then it sounds like an an awesome tool to recycle that mobile phase!!
I’d love to hear more if anyone has used it.
So it redirects to a clean mobile phase bottle in between peaks? Neat. Not many analytical labs I know of using isocratic but could be useful for prep I suppose.
Our method is isocratic, so this could be a huge cost savings for us. Acetonitrile ain’t cheap.
make sure to run blanks to monitor each batch of recovered ACN. Note there can and most likely will be stuff dissolved in your ACN even if the dissolved stuff does not have a response on the wavelengths you’re monitoring.
If we pick one of these up we plan to keep the recycled and virgin solvents separate, and use virgin for calibrations and critical analyses. The recycled solvent would be for non-critical in-house R&D work and similar.
Even if it should be perfectly clean, we definitely wouldn’t act as if it is.
Anything that will be shown to or relied on by someone outside our organization would be done with virgin solvent.
I have been wanting to reuse mobile phase for a long time as well, I’ll be sure to read into this product some more and might pick one up to test out
If you don’t like the cost of acetonitrile, I have good methanol-based methods.
I don’t like the cost. I do like the <7 minute test time.