How to retrofit space for C1D2 requirements? To avoid extraction booth & set backs

I did the Google search for you my bro. Where do you want me to send the PDF? This is the just of the 97 page document. The answers you seek are with the FM and building inspectors.

“Nonvolatile solvent” means any solvent used in the extraction process that is not a
volatile solvent. For purposes of this chapter, nonvolatile solvents include carbon
dioxide and ethanol.
(2) “Type 6,” for extractions using mechanical methods or nonvolatile solvents as
defined by Section 40100. A Type 6 licensee may also conduct infusion operations and
packaging and labeling of cannabis products on the licensed premises provided that theinfusion method is noted on the application form and that the relevant information
pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 40128 is provided to the Department.