How to find clients as an independent producer

I cannot and of course would not argue with composting.
The poor people with migraines might disagree with your thinking when there is only expensive extract to obtain. The types that get the 5$ grand and the 2 for 5 grams are always very appreciative. I have not tested it so I can’t swear to anything but I’m sure it isn’t too shelf at all. If it’s helps an insomniac sleep and takes away some of the pain of a migraine and I can make it cheap for these types I just see no reason not to.
One thing I want to point out also.
I have had flower that gave a return of barely 10% and trim that gave 17% obviously it was crap flower but the trim was quite impressive for a few runs. I just don’t see the downside and to me it is worth doing and I shall continue as long as I can find material.
Trim absolutely has a place in the industry.
When stripping fan leaves from 11 large indoor plants one time, right off the plant I put them in 5lbs of coconut oil. I had to strain and press several times and add more leaves repeatedly but that oil made incredibly potent brownies. A good friend who is a daily smoker and has sleep and pain issues was unbelievably happy with the results. That was nothing but fan leaves taken right off the plant. Basically no trichomes at all and the edibles were very effective.
Just no reason not to utilize what is available.


You are absolutely right, they are.
I and 3 other people have medical authorizations. Simply for the raised limit of holdings. When medical was here things were great. People would gather and talk, most of the connections I had have long since moved away. I’m just not social and definitely not good at networking. I’m the guy people call when they need something fixed or need to learn something or figure out how to get something done. Definitely not the guy they call to have a beer with.
For just cause people in this area are very skeptical of everyone. I came from a small Midwest town. I had never seen the sketchy things that happen here until I moved here. My point being if I cold call farms I have no clue if they would even speak to me. Who knows, no harm in trying of course. As far as the medical people I have no idea where to find them since all the medical shops are gone. There aren’t any medical hang outs that I know of at least.
I appreciate the advice.

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From what I remember there are still a couple of low-key med places that do meetups and weekend marketplaces near/around Tacoma. The last I saw them was 2022, I’ve moved away since.

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you realize that spent material(trim or nug) that has already been extracted is great for compost too right?


Yep, i got a huge pile of it!

I compost all my spent material, ive even had seeds pop on their own in the compost pile and i rescue the seedlings… especially the ones that fight like hell to grow in subpar conditions.

Last batch saved this spring was 99% percent males with one single female but blah, I’ll still save them anyways.


Nobody said anything about buying trash trim.

What is it this time that he actually said, that gave you this itch that you can’t seem to scratch

You are another one of those anal retentive psychos trotting around here.

I don’t think he said anything that you could quote, and really it’s because we aren’t sitting here talking about you again and your sungrown with the sugarleafs. People here have made fire solventless output from trim. You’re hijacking @ZCRAZED1 's topic

There’s been threads about people achieving great results from trim even in solventless. Youre speaking in absolutes like a turd.

Farmers are busy farming to find outlets even for good trim. Help them by buying it out instead of splits, limits your liability and you can select what’s worth it.


Unless the trim looks like the sugar leaves i shared, it’s trash.

That is my opinion, i put quality above all else.

Forget your profits, if you’re offended that you process trim?

Good, ya loser.

Keep running trim, watch what happens when international legalization comes and trust me, it’s coming in our lifetime and when it comes there is going to be thousands of people just like me who will only process flower, and your trim trash will compete huh… gotta be joking…

Source? Link the threads?

I’ve sifted countless hours of information both here and on the open web.

Trim = low quality product.

I didn’t hijack shit, there was nothing but conversation here, back and forth.

You’ve derailed it with your shitty attitude towards me and ask yourself, you really think I’d listen/care for a single thing you say to me?

You’re defending trim.

At least OP justified his processing of trim by saying he supports the financially unstable and gives it away for people who use it as medicine which is not only respectable it’s admirable.

With how offended you are, you probably extract trim and market the product as “fire solventless bro” lol.

Arguing on this forum is a good way to get new clients.


Vinceres and the red barn got shut down, so did a club in S Tacoma


Ah bueno, my bad for the outdated info :laughing:

“Waste of resources to extract trim” as opposed to what? Not extracting it and quite literally wasting it? Lulz…

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Arguing is a good way to get clients!

:rofl: I’m dying here man!
That is too funny!

I never mean to offend anyone, waste just bothers me, that’s all. Some of the comments here are quite funny.
I know what I’m making isn’t too shelf.
For me the purpose is more for the research and development of machines. New ways to recover faster while staying safe and not having to pump everything. I honestly do live to help people. Being the shut in non social person I am it feels great to help people who honestly get sleep and headache relief. One guy is a schizophrenic. He comes over nightly at times just to try the new batch of diamonds. I have never seen anyone able to smoke so much. I swear this guy can smoke a couple grams and hour I bet. He says it really helps with the voices. He’s an ok guy with some crazy ass stories. Lol. Sometimes he has 5 or 10$ to buy something and some days just comes over and smokes a lot. He eats here when I make a huge batch of Indian or Mexican.
Anyway, I appreciate everyones input.
As I’m only medical and basically right in the Idaho border I don’t know about legit farms wanting to do business with me but who knows. It would be great to get hooked up with some medical farms, if such a thing exists. I’m just unlikely to find it. I’m not the guy that everyone likes. I’m the guy that knows how to fix things, get you a loan, find you a job, a car, a house, fix your wiring, etc.
I just figured I would post here and see if anyone had a great idea of how to go about meeting farms or finding material sources.
Thanks for everything so far!


This needed to be fixed, stop with “he said waste the trim”.

k…Stop with the “people only buy super top shelp nug run”


I have absolute top shelf.
Washed diamonds.
Diamonds and sauce, etc.
The majority of my clients are poor people.
They love to “sample” the good stuff. Lol.
They buy the 5 a gram and 100 oz types.
Not too shelf but they have been customers for going in 2 years so I can’t imagine it’s bad quality.
I really don’t waste anything, I just hate it. Has to be the way I was raised. People who went through the great depression and were poor going through it will raise a kid very very differently that the types of today. They are a different breed to say the least. The type that will slap the back of your head if you don’t know what you want out of the refrigerator and look for something for more than 3 seconds. Lol.
It has always amazes me at how messed up people get from edibles made with nothing but fan leaves. I tried it once as a joke, thinking this will taste terrible and probably not do anything to anyone. Then the people came back asking for more. Lol.
It was a stupid amount of leaves though.


Say it how it is… quit twisting my stance…

lmao bro I wish the only thing available was bud for nug runs. If a grow is putting out “trash trim”, maybe help educate their trim team on how to separate fan leaf from sugar leaf. That’s what I did, worked out great. Some places are stubborn tho!


well youre in a bad position for expanding your business if thats the case. id suggest working on networking as thats the only way to grow other than word of mouth, and if the majority of your custy’s are buying the cheap shit then they prob wont have anyone good to spread word of mouth to.

i mean, you could always hit up instagram and make a signal account too tho…

When you extract cannabis it’s important to be gentle for both solventless and solvent applications.

If you grind, cut, chop, tear, rip, sheer, slice excessively in any way, shape or form and intend to extract that material, it will result in a product rich in impurities and undesirables requiring further cleanup or in black market cases… typically no cleanup at all…

Trim often gets beat to hell, especially on a production scale, resulting in higher concentrations of impurities and undesirables when extracted.

Trim also holds the lowest concentration of capitate-stalked trichomes, the primary source of everything you want.

Processing trim will yield a low quality product as a result of these factors.

I’m not arguing this further, go read… or go test…

I don’t get what we’re arguing about. We all know trim yields less. We all know it has the opportunity to introduce more impurity. Nobody is arguing against that. If you know how to process your material, then these are things you don’t have to worry about. Sometimes the only option on the market is sugar trim. Sometimes grows aren’t looking to have their nugs extracted and only want their trim extracted. There’s a lot more nuanced to it than just, “Nug better. Trim bad-er.”

What do you suggest people do with sugar trim? Throw it into joints? Or would you be against that as well? I don’t really understand what you do with it otherwise. It’d be a waste for it to go straight to composting.

Edit: and I’ve made amazing extract from trim. Of course the source still matters, but the point is it was trim and it came out fire. I’ve had trim runs win 1st and 2nd place best dab in the craft cannabis cup in WA. So I mean, I dunno. Maybe I’m delusional. I don’t put that much weight on that competition but a group of people still judged my extract and came to that conclusion, so do with that what you will.

Also, if trim is always so bad then why am I able to consistently make diamonds and sauce with trim? You just have to know how to source and process it…

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