How not to get duped by a GoFundMe type donation

There appears to have been an honest mistake made recently revolving around donating money to a stranger in need.

The OP made multiple mistakes that are regularly used by scammers, and members who were quick to donate were likewise quick to retract.

Seems like a case of misunderstanding.

Let’s do better on both sides of recognizing and avoiding these situations moving forward, here’s a resource:


How about an end to all the fundraisers? Seems a bit outside the scope of a cannabis science forum to be asked by strangers for cash donations outside of contributing weed / cannabinoids as medicine and also just opens up the door for scams.

I do not think that’s the right approach. Nobody is being forced to participate in the occasional fund raisers that pop up here

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Not trying to pass judgment one way or the other on the GoFundMe in question here… Would it be wrong to assume that someone on this form is a believer in the medicinal value of the products we are discussing here? I know to a large extent I am and as such my first inclination would be to offer help with products that will help fight tumor growth.