How many cans is in a tank?

i love googling a question and seeing the answer on future4200 :rofl:

I can get 420ml cans x 72 for 230$ shipped from ebay
my math says this is enough gas for 10 pounds of material (7 cans per #)

I just drove 2.5 hours total to get a 20# 70/30 tank with a 50$ tank deposit that I will most likely never return for 265$ (315 total) lets just assume theres no deposit for simplicity sake

This 20# tank can only do 5 pounds total? Thats over double the cost for it in the tank.

Id much rather tap the cans

I donā€™t think this is enough for 10lb. The math actually equals about 30lbs (plus or minus a lb) of gas is in those 72x 420ml cans.

I personally would like to have about 50lbs of solvent for 10lbs.

Them tanks come in handy during hurricanes. :joy::rofl::joy:.


I think the math comes out to 3.33# gas per material pound

Im running mainly trim I should have mentioned that

What is your time worth and your exposure of having to dispose of all those cans.

tapping 100 cans would take around 1 hour (20$ fair price for employee to do it)

how long does it take to drive to the facility to fill up and drive back? UPS drops it right on the door step

I do agree tapping that many cans would suck. I only do 1-2 lb runs


Iā€™ve used those cans a lot (420ml whip it premium). one box will give you 4lb. I believe 8 boxes in master case. Thatā€™s 32 lb.

I buy 100lb tank and it works out to be cheaper.

Those cans are a mix of butane/isobutane/propane. (Among many many other things)


Now $225 for the refills :wink:

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If I remember correct a 50lb tank will tsp In exactly about 3.5-3.75 boxes out of a master case :shushing_face::sweat_smile:


Exactly and a range 3.5-3.75 shouldnā€™t even be in the same sentence. :man_facepalming:t3:

A simple BUT not exact way is .300ml is about .3lbs of gas and so forth.

That should give you a baseline on an estimated cans needed to fill a tank.