How do you make packaging fun?

If you cant give them more pay, make their jobs easier.

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Bro, youd nail any interview :clap:

Allowing them to team up and paying by unit is key. Alot of jobs are done faster with 2 people instead of 1, and that way u can have competitions by teams :+1:


Just keep in mind, scrap rate increases when employees are paid by the unit. It depends on which wooks you have doing the packaging honestly. Any manufacturer should want to be able to depend on a fixed cost per unit

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or Fun guy?

edit: oh you wanted efficient too?


Lol funny, just today we hited a couple temps for packaging and ine of them didnt show up because “she fell and busted her teeth”, i hope thats true and not just a lame excuse. But yesh packaging sucks, just smoke one and get in the zone and just forget about everything else. Maybe some jams while packing.

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Piece rate works in small groups on products that don’t need to meet a high quality control standard. Other than that, it’s better to pay them a slightly higher hourly and to slow down a little so they do it right.



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I worked for a company that provided quarterly bonus based on rate of packaging. Seemed to work really well for both the company and employees


The best way I’ve found in a situation like this, (poor morale from tedious work, with tight quotas, that others see as 'unskilled labor) is really about making sure people feel appreciated, and to show pride in your role of leading the hard, unglamorous side of things.

1- All contests, rewards, etc. occur as A TEAM. No highlighting individual performers, just push toward the team level goal and reward structure you’ve designed. If someone is consistently underperforming they just need to be let go, and generally those are the people who complain and bring down the team morale the most.

2- You need to focus on creating some kind of a ‘gritty pride’ amongst the packing staff. Maybe even something that seems as silly as tee shirts that say PACK SQUAD and some funny inside joke on the back to start the process… and then do things to treat your staff specifically when they do well. You need to be the beacon of pride for what you do and an example to the rest of the team. Packing itself doesn’t have to be fun, but working with your squad can be. Embrace the role as the backbone of your company, and SHOW APPRECIATION for your team. If they feel like they are valued by their immediate manager, and he/she takes pride in their job, the ‘culture’ will build behind that.


When I was younger a pizza after work made me happy as fuck. It was at UPS, they got us to bust our asses, 1 person unloading a 53 foot truck in an hour for 7 or 9 an hour. I dunno how they got such a kickass workforce, if I had one ups employee…