Successful tissue culture is often seen as the first step towards genetic modification of a new target organism. Our favourite plant has been amenable to culture for years now, so presumably there are already folks out there using DNA based manipulations to achieve their goals. If not, there are certainly folks seriously considering it.
How do you feel about that? How do you think the technology could/should be used?
Producing THC or CBD in hops should be a single gene transfer. I’ve heard rumours of it having been done already. Certainly the barrier is pretty low at this point. The genes involved have been cloned, sequenced, and expressed in a heterologous system to prove that it is both necessary and sufficient for converting Olivetol to THCA or CBDA.
When I first discussed moving THC production into tomatoes 25 years ago, the tools where available, but the sequence data was not. The tools have improved markedly, and sequence data is accumulating at an incredible rate. The need to bamboozle the feds by producing schedule one narcotics in produce has substantially subsided.
Are there any benefits beyond CBD laced beer to moving cannabinoid production into other organisms? What about the rest of the entourage?
Folks who are making or using isolate might benefit from bioreactor based cannabinoid production, especially if it could be wired as a secretory process. Purification would likely be considerably simpler without all the co-extracting terpenes etc.
How about tweaking the major cannabinoid synthase to make it less prone to side reactions? THC synthase and CBD synthase are allelic (like blue vs brown eyes) and are essentially slightly different versions of the same enzyme. Both seem to be capable of producing THCA, CBDA, or CBCA from CBG. What if we could tighten that up so your “hemp” plant really did make zero THC? Would that be worth the GMO label?
How about just signing your damn name in there? You want folks to know that you made this? Encode your name, address, and today’s date, and slam it in there…
For the phenotype hunters, I would suggest introducing an exogenous transposable element system, although digging through the available sequence data will probably reveal several endogenous candidates for an insertional mutagen.