How do I infuse CBD into sugar

I have recently came across CBD infused sugar. Does anyone know the process of infusing the CBD into the sugar? Thank you.


One might also ask why sugar?

I’ve just done a small scale (1gm ~70% CBD into ~7 teaspons table sugar) “infusion”, and I must say I like the look. It’s not finished evaporating yet, but looks very much like something the hipsters might add to their coffee.

I tried CBD and THC predominant extracts, and used Isopropanol as my 'liquidizer".

I recommend bringing the decarboxylated extract up in ~4 volumes alcohol (EtOH would be best, but Iso will work), and then mixing with the sugar.

I tried extract + sugar + Iso in a 4oz jar, then blending, and don’t recommend that route.

  1. requires more solvent, and hence longer evap time
  2. results in a very fine powdered sugar.

I’ll get pictures up once they’ve both finished drying.

If you use maltodextrin rather than table sugar, you can use MCT or olive oil as a liquidizer, and skip the evaporation step.


CBD 1gram in a little Iso, poured over table sugar and evaporated.
looks and feels just like store bought brown sugar.

THC 1 gram + sugar + 3oz Iso, blended then evaporated
could use deagglomeration through a sieve per @lozo

Background music?

Mick Jagger & Mary Poppins in a duet:
“I know, it’s only RSO, but I like it…”
“I feel sticky, oh so sticky…”


This was my original plan to make truely “water soluable” and not just fine emulsifications to appear to be water soluble(sonication or shear method). Synthetically Attaching or stitching a sugar onto one of the free alcohol groups on CBD. I assume this could be done catalytically or using more traditional synthetic carbohydrate chemistry. This sort of reaction is pretty well reported in carbohydrate chemistry literature. One pot and should be clean purification by a crystallization.

Message me if you want to try this and need details. If you have access to schlenk lines I would love to try it myself, but chances are if you have schlenk lines you can do it yourself.


totally agree that chemically modifying the cannabinoid to make it water soluble is doable. no need for a synthetic chemist either.

check this:

@Shadownaught: have you glucosyltransferases in your arsenal?

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i would presume other synthetic methods would be easier and more scalable (cheaper) than an enzymatic reaction but I hope you can find the enzymes for cheap and hopefully catalytically selective!

adding the correct Stevia glucosyltransferase to the Hyasynth bio-reactor strategy might be a game changer…

especially if the resulting cannaboside can be targeted extra-cellularly.

Vitality seems to have tied up in-vitro enzymatic glycosylation. Not sure they’ve got in-vivo covered.

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I do not unfortunately.

Cyclodextrins are made enzymatically. The specialists in Germany have three different enzymes to get the job done specifically. Others use a single enzyme, then separate the three major end products.

I’ll agree that there are often huge road-blocks when scaling from lab to industrial, but I think we’re getting really close to “there’s an enzyme for that”.

Evolving enzymes to perform whatever task you need done is perhaps not routine, but it’s certainly done. Designing enzymes “from scratch” to perform new tricks is on the horizon.


apparently we’re on topic, and should stop ignoring the sugars :slight_smile:


What is your intended end product for CBD infused sugar?


Aug 30, '18

Something tells me he won’t be fielding questions…


Lol. I was hoping to get a dialog going. Im looking at the nanotechnology, ultrasonic horn.
etc. Ive a hard candy mfg. challenge to solve.

Isomalt sugar, CBD, full homongination required to fulfill accurate dosing.

Off to search site more.

Thank you brother


What’s the “hard candy mfg challenge”? What have you tried so far?

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I read that in the voice of the Spongebob Squarepants Narrator

