How can I check trim quality before I buy

Butane ran trim sometimes ends up back on the market… looks dusty & dank to the uninitiated.


And then rub your hands together a d make some finger hash ro know it hasnt been ran or kiefed , and always flip the bags over there face will tell you if you should keep going. The good oke days of foing to the pines with a uhaul. The things you miss but glad it was another life


Doing this 10yrs before anyone used the coa you had do it your own way. Amazing how much it has all changed. About time to retire


I’d get the trim…then head down to the banks of the eel river to open blast. It was harder to make an accidental ignition source when your in the woods on the river lol.

It was another life fo sho…had to get locked in a cage for a minute when I got stopped with my extractors and my produce while out of state up in WA. I wouldn’t change it for the world but glad I’m not running that hustle anymore lol.


I second that, glad i dont deal with uhal’s full of trim anymore. The stress is definitely not worth it now. I got 1foot out the door as it is and cant wait to put the other one through


Orange Photonics, it’ll tell you the levels of thc or cbd in your trim or concentrates. But i only recommend it if your buying in bulk, they will run you about 16k.

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Tlc and butane /ethanol wand

I can see you guys walking up to buy biomass with an old school glass tube, couple cans of tane, and a pyrex dish to check the biomass out.

Who’s gonna set the industry standard or make a biomass blast kit (lol)?


Not a bad idea.

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Honda 2000i inverter generator
Small cls setup.


Yeah, something that you preload with a 1/4-1/2lb of tane. Just load the biomass place in your small igloo full of DI, wait for 30min and open the valve.

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Smell, look, touch…If you need more than that ask for help until you can do it by smell, look, and touch.

There are also other options.

Check In House analytics

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Dash board!


This would be more for field work out in Nor Cal.

Hot damn, did you get that off of the "only in Humboldt " Instagram page? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

My car!

Didn’t anyone tell you I was batshit :rofl:


OG status. You got to be from Humboldt. :100::100::100:


Best ever

Lol that’s what they got me with in 03. Two of them…and the products of my labor. Nearly identical to that lol