So what I would like to know is if I’m doing smaller presses and I can just gather that stuff up a little at a time put into a jar and do the hot cure process in oven right?
There’s a few different forms it can take with a hot cure, you’re gonna need to be a bit more specific my friend
Whatever is possible after collecting your stuff no matter how much or little is on the parchment as long as the THCA percentage is high enough to get you where you wanna go barring waxes/lipids when you’re trying to nail a rosin sauce/diamondy whathaveyou. You’re going to also want to make sure your jars are up to snuff enough to hold pressure.
If you were getting 5gs of rosin a time and pressing quite a bit… What would u do? I mean what form of concentrate would u try to achieve and how might i go about that?
I have six different strains of bubble hash Pretty good quality bubble hash Blond in color That I need to smash And quite a bit of each strain but I’m only doing it a little bit at a time I’m wondering since I’m new to this what I should do LOL
You’ll need way more than 5g to properly discern what form you wanna put it in. Depends on the heat of the press, technique, plant particulate, etc. Many many many many variables. You should check out some blogs about rosin basics because if I explain from an advanced position what you’d do it would just raise more questions. Good luck though bud
No…5g at a time. Ill end up with hundreds… I could anyways. What im simply asking is say i have several consistencies… What would u do? Mix it and whip and make budder?
Im getting several.consistencies and colors… Because im new… Obviously. But i want to make the best out of what i get
how much have you read?
you might start with Search results for 'cure rosin' - Future4200