Hot ass collections…or….temps only rise as far as the product that is distilling

Hey now
Started a new job yesterday, awesome muthafuckas, etc
But their heat was super high in the collection.

I have made a little bit of organic (and cheap shit) moonshine in my daze…bourbon, rum, and just straight dextrose mono hydrate and yeast and water.(then distill it) …so when you’re doing a distillation, the MeOH comes over first, the temp stays around 152ish….
Then, after the methanol is done, the temp spikes up to 175ish and the EtOH comes over (and I let that run a bit before switching bottles I mean flasks)
Does the same thing happen in this scen? Where, temp doesn’t matter while you’re recovering, because it’s still only .5c? Until it gets to the next boiling point in the solution?
Just thinking. I’ve never ran shit hot on purpose, but maybe others can talk
I’ve heard of butane ffe being super warm to keep up, and have heard lots of people talk about super high temps….


Yes you don’t need to worry until you are recovering the last bit of solvent. It’s good to establish a rule for when to turn off or turn down the heat. for example, when you hit the last 20-30% of solvent, switch to a more gentle heat.


as long as things are moving and you have no dry gas pockets yes.

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Theoretically a mixture will only be heated to the BP of it’s lightest constituent, and then will bump when that totally evaporates. In actuality impure things boil off at slightly lower temps than their BP (not to mention azeotropes) so shit gets a little fuzzy, but that’s basically the gist.