Anyone seen this?
Yeah pretty much only for distillate
I’m pretty sure I read the patent on this a while back. Not where I’d toss corporate dollars but neat kit for what it is.
I’m a fan of the brain behind the company. @Future and I are heading to her party in Vegas and will see what’s up.
I saw this run in mid May of this year. They are located in Wheat Ridge/Arvada, CO… at least at that time. I asked to grab some oil samples to bring back to the lab to run analytics and table top distillation/crystallization and the owners were not having it. Seems like a pretty cool concept, but not sure how big they can scale, or if the oil is any good.
this has gotta be like the 3rd or 4th go at this, isn’t it?
so pressureless rosin?
they’re still to show off the output.
Yup saw this baby run in person. WAY over prices but very impressive. No solvents, produces 85% cannabinoid crude oil with no fats or lipids and already decarbed. Also can’t concentrate any heavy metals or microbial by nature of the vapor path extraction. It’s a great idea, but with their current cost on the big boy model you’re looking at like a 2 year ROI running 24/7, and i believe the small unit needs something like 14’ of headspace for the smoke stack
I’ve definitely seen the oil. They were even willing to let us take a sample to run lipid tests.