Hong Kong jails first traveller under CBD ban | Business
Could be what US intends to do with the new farm bill. Seems that China sometimes is a foreshadowing into our policies.
Hong Kong jails first traveller under CBD ban | Business
Could be what US intends to do with the new farm bill. Seems that China sometimes is a foreshadowing into our policies.
Before COVID, I saw a CCTV frame of an extraction facility in China that had concertina wire above the workers in a factory that pulled CBD from pine or similar.
No idea where I saw it, but I just remembered how differently they treated it than here in a legal state.
You know after re-reading the article it’s likely the real reason this lady was sentenced was the ketamine she had on her. And 2 months in jail for a couple grams of ketamine in Asia is probably a pretty light sentence. More alarmist bullshit fear mongering propaganda perhaps.
If I could turn CBD to K I would be soooo happy.
Dunno what potassium is, but it killed dance music for a minute.
Honestly i’m surprised she wasn’t sentenced to YEARS especially with how China is not so slowly taking control of HK and is effectively an Chinese state rather than a british influenced territory or it’s own autonomous country.
…if it were for just CBD topicals the sentence would be absurd.
But 60 days for Ket seems like a slap on the wrist to me…especially considering their government just scheduled CBD on the level of much more nefarious narcotics. You’d think they’d really throw the book at her to make an example as they just recently announced they would be doing.
Is this a fuckin psy-op?
I doubt you’d get 60 days in jail in America if it’s your first offense with a few gs of k. You’d likely get a drug program and probation.
Might get the death sentence on Thailand.
China loves ketamine
Hi dear bro please not forget CBD is dangerous drug. This is appropriate punish by Big Taiwan. Please see. Many thanks.