Hiring lab tech in Tacoma, WA


We are a small, family owned processing lab in Tacoma, WA. We make BHO, ethanol crude, and distillate.

We are looking for part-time help in the lab. Mostly making crude.

This is an entry-level lab tech position. No experience required. The right candidate would have a passion for science and production. We received our license only one month ago and have to watch our labor costs closely. We start at $16/hour. As we start making more $, so would you.

You can DM me a resume, or just a quick blurb about yourself and what you’re all about. We’re more interested to see if you gel with the crew than your extraction experience. If you’re really good, we probably can’t afford you. (Unless you’re looking to get in early and work your way to the top :slight_smile: )

Please provide a e-mail address AND phone number.


Hello Michael,

Sounds like a very interesting opportunity! I sent a private message.

Best Regards,

Tyler Poliski