HIA/RE Botanicals file a new suit against the DEA over IFR

1426000-1426218-Opening Brief 092721-01208363635.pdf (1.3 MB)

Paywalled article: https://www.law360.com/cannabis/articles/1426218/dc-circ-hears-dea-should-not-oversee-hemp-manufacturing?about=cannabis


Don’t think I can say much without getting sued but don’t put too much faith in RE:

They bark loud but lost all their teeth a few years ago

Source: I was the head of that lab for a while and left b.c. of some serious morality differences and quality control problems


I don’t know about their lab or past, but if RE lost all their teeth why are they the only company willing to fight the DEA’s rule making IHE a Schedule 1 narcotic? Every extractor in the country is threatened but they are the only ones willing to step up.

I’d say the “fights” always end in a love letter from some government agency saying “we will let you know what the laws are when we catch you and put you in jail”

Poking the bear isn’t productive imo, and thier efforts are minimal at best.

The people in charge over there are worried about one thing only and it’s :moneybag: