HHCP (80%+ R diastereomer!) and HHCP-O Available

Bump - we have some nice HHCP-O in stock as well.


Our HHCP-O came out pretty high - 85.4% R. Few hundred grams of this left.


What’s the price on the HHCP-O? I’m highly in need of an affordable alternative medication for nausea and fatigue/narcolepsy while my bank account is still slightly positive.

Good morning everyone, we have about 4-5kg on deck.

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Hey, how can i get with you in Contact?

Hi there, you can send me a dm or email me at alex@spensary.com

Hello, ur email states spensary is this available through the website as well the hhcp?

hi, pls send my email , pyfsksmgosnat@gmail.com

HHCP-o still available ? @primomeds

HHCP or HHCPO destillate still available?
I am interested in buying several kg, if so please DM me.

We got you. What country are you in. That is of course if @primomeds doesnt have it. Just realised this is his thread.

Pm sent.