For sure I was very surprised. Mechanisms must be entirely different. I’m throwing dollops of HHC in my bowls when I burn em. Effect is mixed (shitty combustion) but my new favorite. I’ll dab straight HHC and feel pretty good and functional. Adding D9 impairs that functionality big time
Edibles got me good, but the vape pen I made really hits me. I’ve dabbed too, but maybe combustion temps play more of a role in effect?
@eyeworm any thoughts?
I bet you’re right. I noticed at my existing puffco settings I would get a fair amount of HHC form on my teeth, increasing temp seems to help but unclear.
Tomorrow I’m going to put HHC into caps with mct. Would you have a suggested dose to play with?
Bro tell me about it, my nostrils got sticky when I took that first big ass dab.
I consumed 100mg…fun ride fo-sho
How much oil or butter should I use to infuse 200mg hhc into itM
I’d like to make the mixture as saturated as possible so I don’t have to actually make something out of it.
I’d rather just dump the oil between two cookies.
At least 1ml
100mg it is
@franklin lmk if you want me to send you any. I’d be curious to hear if changing the disti source would have any effect
I mean, I wouldn’t mind narrowing down the problem
Although I think this source is solid.
For science!
What have you noticed for onset time on edibles?
This is mine stuff that I bought from Co_Chroma, fyi.
MC Nutraceuticals = Me.
20-30mins. Maybe a tad longer. It’s been a month and I can’t remember lol. “That’s why they call it dope”.
It’s interesting they had a flip in selectivity.
Well I ate 200mg of the hhc an hour ago and I still feel nothing.
Did anything happen at all?
No, nothing happened for me.
Maybe yours was just weak af? I ate 100mg and had me giggling and red eyed for hours.
Definitely shouldn’t be the case unless the KCA coa I have isn’t for this batch.