HHC Patent Co Chromatography

I have lots of experience with HF, actually.

So, what was your point?


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Which is why I used the word idea instead of suggesting.

And then following up with your own assertion that hydrogenation isnā€™t shrouded in mystery.

Thereā€™s a huge difference between classical hydrogenation and transfer hydrogenation but surprisingly, many operators donā€™t understand that, or are unwilling to accept that fact.

asked the all knowing one about enzymatic desaturationā€¦

pity that 's not the correct delta 9ā€¦

(ā€¦and we need a ā€œsaturaseā€, not a ā€œdesaturaseā€. doh!!)

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Look, if you consider yourself skilled enough then go for it. Donā€™t find a way to take what Iā€™m saying personally.

Again, I donā€™t think folks will consult on this because:

  • not a lot of people currently are doing it very well
  • those who are doing it would be wise to use the technology to make product rather than give away their hard work for someone else to make money with
  • thereā€™s a lot of liability handing off hazardous technology to another group with a production environment beyond their control

That is my point. Anything you interpret beyond that is not on me.


Got it. And I actually agree with you by the way. This stuff is not a joke.

Itā€™s easy to feign understanding and knowledge with text books. Practice is an entirely different game.


Its kind of the same idea you would never do your own heart surgery. Stick to what you know and pay the professionals. Thats how we stay alive and keep things working.


The problem with that is the ā€œprofessionalsā€ all too often just want to sell an overpriced ā€œSOPā€ without making sure that the transfer of knowledge was successful. Theyā€™re already on to their next ā€œclientā€.


Well thats not a professional in my mind. Just like there is a mechanic than there is a technician. Some people can replace car parts, than some people can diagnose, replace and tell you what the part does and how the system works. Its more or less the risk your willing to take in life. The problem is money drives us and sometimes we are just to hungry to take the longer, better more safe route.


Coming from a mix of industry/academia, I will say this. There is a massive disconnect between chemists and their understanding of scalability. Ask ask me how I know.


Presumably thatā€™s where the chemical engineers come in?



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There are definitely great opportunities for synergy when an organic synthetic chemist get together with a chemical engineer. The more you know of either, the more you appreciate what you donā€™t know about the other.


You have a COA for that HHC?

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Edit: yes, yes I do.


Iā€™ve tried hhc, I honestly felt nothing. 10 grams of it, I gave some to friends, noone thought it was better than d8.
Last week we were reminded just how dangerous it is to hydrogenate
In my humble opinion, the juice is not worth the squeeze.


I have no interest in hhc but it could have medical uses worth exploring (like in a research facility).

Regarding hydrogenation of oils itself, seems like the margarine industry has been doing this for over a hundred years. I wonder how different their approach is vs whatā€™s needed for cannabinoids, presumably itā€™s just a matter of heat/pressure/catalysis.

if you were going to do some hydrogenation, Iā€™d start with the literature where they are already doing that and not seek help from anyone in the cannabis field unless they are also a well reputed chemist, considering the dangers of hydrogen gas. It looks like they just agitate the oil in the presence of hydrogen while in a heated pressure vessel. That doesnā€™t sound too bad but thereā€™s another word for a heated pressure vessel full of H.

Also Iā€™m not a chemist so everything I just said is almost certainly incorrect.

Did a dab of HHC in my opinion its stronger than d8.


It should be it s KI values are a whole lot higer


Letā€™s see the COA?

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