Hhc illegal in Austria probably tomorow as of today France has illegelized HHC

Extracted from the plant

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I was reading that too. :slight_smile: we only sell non converted hhc.

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too bad news

do you have some legal RC for sell ?

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This is not a sales platform for me so no sorry any questions regarding rc i ll be happy to answer

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thank you


Department of Health classifies HHC as a New Psychoactive Substance

Rauch: “The new regulation is primarily intended to protect the health of young consumers.”

Vienna (OTS) - Hexahydrocannabinol - better known as HHC - is enjoying increasing popularity in this country. Young people in particular are attracted to marketing as “legally high”. Like THC and CBD, HHC is derived from the cannabis plant. So far, however, there is a lack of scientific data on possible health consequences of consumption. HHC is now being included in the New Psychoactive Substances Regulation by the Department of Health. The production and trade are thus prohibited, but possession and consumption remain unpunished. The new regulation will come into effect tomorrow. ***

Similar to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or cannabidiol (CBD), hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) is extracted from the cannabis plant. If HHC is extracted directly from the cannabis plant, it is subject to the Narcotics Act. The HHC, which is synthetically produced as a so-called pure substance, has now been included in the New Psychoactive Substances Ordinance (NPSV) by the Ministry of Health.

As of tomorrow, synthetically manufactured HHC products will therefore be subject to the provisions of the New Psychoactive Substances Act. The production and trade in synthetic HHC are therefore prohibited in Austria - possession and consumption, however, remain unpunished. This approach will protect consumers from possible damage to their health in the future. Because there is still a lack of sufficient international scientific knowledge about the short-term or long-term effects of HHC.

“Synthetically manufactured HHC products are being consumed and marketed more and more in Austria. Possible short or long-term health consequences are still unknown. As a new psychoactive substance, the production and trade of synthetically manufactured HHC will be prohibited until we have sufficient knowledge of the health consequences," said Health Minister Johannes Rauch.

With the inclusion of synthetically manufactured HHC in the NPSV, Austria is based on other European countries and the recommendations of health experts. In Finland, HHC has already been classified as a new psychoactive substance, and this is expected shortly in Belgium and Hungary. Other European countries are also already discussing the future handling of synthetically manufactured HHC products.

Questions & contact:

Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK)
pressesprecher @ sozialministerium.at


Is thcp also banned in Europe or is it in limbo still?

Europe is many countries each with their own laws so need more info


Like UK and Germany for example.

Morning speaking from France here.
What a timing this morning 2 articles in local newspaper:

There’s no point to buy the access nor translating. The thing being it’s now under light with a scary tone. Also one part of the CBD industry will support the fight against narcotic noids as they fought hard for the hemp industry (2nd link). But we had it coming: even if there’s not as much smartshop in France nor gas station drugs, CBD shops and RC shopped online have been a growing trend like everywhere else. The more users, the more fuss
 Authorities have been well aware and have been trying to enforce law knowing their laws were one step behind. I’ve been reading for some time they were thinking about analogs. Plus lately some high profile cases made it to national news.

Not so long ago they even banned CBD flowers/hashes as it makes their “road laws” hard to enforce (THC saliva tests were positives even for CBD smoker). But being in Europe, European laws are what’s matter most and they had to switch back. Imho seeing several countries United shows they are going to take it seriously and they will probably not leave loopholes.

Anyway, I’m in the “traditional” market but wish you guys all the best.


uK it s illegal and NOT eu so border checks are more
Basically all psychoactive substances are NPS law
Germany is all still legal and expect change around July at the earliest
But could be wrong
I hope they are wise enough to legalize around the same time they illegelized
Skipping the whole synthetic noid gap that otherwise will surface

Main problem I see at the moment is that since China banned production
Many are making synthetic noids in europe without any labexperiece
And dumping very very dirty synthetic noids on the market
Simple example the noid core can be ordered in China and the tale like bromo butane can be added by simple chemistry but once made it should not be heated over 45 C
So they are left with the core Wich is psychoactive but weak so they load
15% supposedly noid (but reality the same core they bought) and done
If the noid was made 15 grams (1.5%)
Would have been enough

Problem with noids is that they are horrible for you. So they are just creating more problems with these new bans


Some defenatly are
But all in all why not natural that’s proven to be safe and with little side effects
I hope that even if flowers will be sprayed with noids everyone doses as expected when smoking a natural flower

In the spice market this is not the case there the rule best valeu for your money
Is the lure of producers selling spice that has nothing to do with recreational
More with fentanyl (36 hours stoned and sick)

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Nothing actually changed since a before hhc other than a lot more people have seen the light that dosing non psychoactive flowers with a psycho active substance can make money

Spice is not a well known high in normal society most dealers on the block don t even know it exists
But since hhc a whole lot more do now and the search for the next legal high is on

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Well i know in Europe more and more buds are sprayed with noids.
Since the ban they been having issues getting noids and they not smart enough to synthesize their own.

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Hhc illegal in Swiss (

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was always technically illegal in swiss, but still no fun @Roguelab


Only HHC derived from THC, synthesized was fine

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