Hemp tolling guys where you at?

Looking to get in touch with a few labs who can make CBD isolate from hemp, and also labs that can do remediation on hot hemp. I’m not a farmer myself but I know someone with some hot hemp who is clueless as to what to do with it.

To be straightened - I have no guarantees that I can bring you business. However, I would love to learn a bit about what you guys do, your capabilities, and the costs. Ideally after getting in contact with you, I will reach out to various farms in an attempt to bring you some business.

To whoever this concerns - I look forward to doing business with you :slight_smile:

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Maybe @thesk8nmidget could help you out. I know he’s got the Isolate down, I’m not sure about remediation


I’ll reach out no doubt


Thanks for thinking about me. We’re however not running anymore hemp. We’re currently transitioning. But I’m still happy to help guide people anyway I can.


Hey there,

Hope all is well. We can take hemp biomass to CBD isolate. DM or send me an email at lcurrier@icbdextract.com to discuss in more details. Thanks!

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You transferring to THC? Awesome! That should always be the goal anyway!


Transitioning onto bigger and better things hopefully :slight_smile:

Since you’re offering guidance I’d be happy to take some. Whether it’s literature or personal advice I’m open to learning. At the moment I’m quite clueless as to how distillation, extraction, isolation, etc works or where to start learning.


Yep, going to the rec market. I’ll probably still do some cbd but not any large volume.


Start reading the threads here. It sucks because you have to wade through alot of the shit to get the pieces of information that you need to learn. I’ve literally learned everything I know from reading through all of the shit here. It’s that or you’ll have to pay a consultant. Most people will not give you direct information unless you’re going to hurt yourself someone else, or there’s danger.
The reason is because all of the info is here. You have invest tons of time reading, or pay up. I think I’m at like 1,000 hours on the forum! That’s alot of reading…


I would recommend reading here a lot, the search bar will lead you to just about every answer. If you can’t find answers find a thread that already discusses your subject and ask for clarification there so it all stays on topic.


Location? I’m between Denver and Greeley, always down to grab dinner and talk shop with anyone in the area

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We are located in Central CA and can take you from Biomass to Isolate no problem. Feel free to reach out to me at your convenience.

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What are your tolling rates for distillate?

$8 per input pound to distillate.