Hemp One Acre lot

I have read a few threads but only one related and still OP leaned in outdoor direction.

Have land and high dollar budget for a starting one acre Greenhouse.

Yes it must be greenhouse, My questions to get started are as follows, thanks again for your time.

With bassically a blank check budget in mind.

  1. Greenhouse. should i be looking into light dep greenhouses. if so any recommendations?

  2. Planting style. Horizontal? peatmoss drip rings? Virtical?

End product will be used for cbd flower and cbd extractions
Quality ≥ Quanity


I would just build cheap pvc hoop houses and do open air during the day ( no plastic ) and light dep plastic at night for flowing and pull off 2-3 harvests per season or at least a very well planned single harvest . Cheap simple and most cost effective for start up and profit first run . You could also just get a simple pole bender and make a steal greenhouse . So many options but it wouldn’t really make since to do it if it wasn’t light deprivation . I would go cheap not expensive considering profit margins are about to be slashed with the surge of hemp production and also you only have 1 acre to work with .

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