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Did you know out there It’s common practice and pride to “get one over on Americans” ? It’s one of those dirty little secrets that they hide.

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One thread for all of Lanphan equipment is enough. Why do y’all spam this board so much? It’s very unbecoming. I don’t care if you all are different sales people.


Are you serious? If you have a chance to go out of your place, you will see the world is much more beautiful than in your brain, especially in China.

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Is there a good contact number for you?
I may be visiting you

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Really ? how could we save you?:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Everyone always asks me why i have a hat on 24/7. Its lined with Tinfoil so the chinese cant steal my thoughts. This is some funny shit guys. The chinese hate us all. The chinese purposely cheat and rip off americans. The chinese use chemicals warfare to beat america.

I dont know if you look at our economy but the fucking chinese own us. We owe them a half trillion. They own Africa. They will own the Bahamas after this natural disaster. What makes you think these people are the devil. This is not the same china from the 80s. They have evolved. This is some real fearmongering. WE ARE ALL HUMANS. Pretty easy shit to understand. Just cause your born in a different geographical region…Doesnt automatically make you a piece of shit. Things are changing. I wonder how many super and hyper cars went to china in 1989 to how many today. Id venture to say they are one of the largest consumers of luxury goods.

This is really an old way of thinking. Anyone that went to college in the last 15-20 years has learned about this.


This thread has me rolling this am. “Not Terry” is full of book recommendations, and proverbs.


Sorry to inform you that I travel like you drive to work. Have you even left your country?

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Make us believe you have an ounce of honor. I invite you to become a GLG member and fly out to the next meeting so we can come to know you and your company.

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What kind of degree or education your “engineer” has?

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:lying_face: :pinching_hand: :ok_hand:

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